Reviews for Jobs, Money and Chaos
OneWingedHeron53 chapter 20 . 5/5/2011
Ha! Never knew Death could get sued.

I feel left out. Everyone I know has Duodecim. Me, I got to wait till next week to get my money to order it and another week for it to come in.
Phonesy chapter 20 . 5/5/2011
Wright? WRIGHT? William! That's CHEATING.

Keep up the hard work! Writing a fic like this is definitely a good challenge!
archsage328 chapter 19 . 4/20/2011
ah cloud of darkness...either chef or demolition worker would be my suggestion. i also noticed ur not going to ur usual lengths of changing characters names when they cameo. any particular reason?
Nanya chapter 19 . 4/17/2011
Congrats on beating Feral Chaos.

Couldn't have been easy, that's for sure.

I was a coward and stayed at the top, Mid-Air Flare and Starfall. Took awhile too.

Though, I did use Lightning, who got about 30,000 HP off of Feral Chaos and Yuna (Mega Flare and Thor's Hammer) got another 35,000 HP before finishing him off with Emperor.

I'm really thinking of going back with Garland, Gabranth, Exdeath and Jecht to see if I can win with those four (and Squall as the finisher, since he's the best HP chipper as far as I'm concerned.)

As for the story, it's looking good. Can't wait for more.

CoD, hmm... It would be funnier if she was a newscaster on TV.
Mrfipp chapter 19 . 4/17/2011
You can't argue with Golbez's logic.

Should have gone with a Bentley . . .

I wonder who else from 012 will show up.

There's nothing like infiltrating a castle of unknown persons in the morning, huh?

The entire time I was reading those fights, I kept picturing Sephiroth in his DLC alt.

As for the Cloud of Darkness, I suggest what I suggested in an earlier review: As if floats down the street in a rather shady neighborhood, contemplating what job to get, when a strange man offers it money for services. Due to not knowing much about human customes, it follows the man, but kills the man, mistaking his advances as an attack, and takes his money. Thinking this is how it's done, the Cloud of Darkness become a hooker!

Please continue

Xeiden chapter 19 . 4/17/2011
Lol Sephiroth and Golbez make a good tandem Xd, poor Sephi.

Kefka recover his insanity?
Wraith the Destroyer chapter 19 . 4/17/2011
Awesome Chapters by the way. I can't wait to see Kefka's return to the Insane Maniac we all know and love to hate. I like the duality between Garland and Mateus that you had going on for the past four chapters, but it's nice to see a return to the traditional format of Character-Garland-Character-Garland.

Is it just me or is Garland slowly becoming crazier, XD.

As for suggestions for Cloud of Darkness the only one I can think of is Doctor/Nurse, mainly due to the acronym COD (Cause of Death) also fitting for Cloud of Darkness.
Mrfipp chapter 18 . 4/12/2011
Way to drop the guilt bomb WoL.

You do deserve that Mateus.

Cloud Dijnsea Garland FTW!

Please continue

Nanya chapter 18 . 4/11/2011
The funny of the story has tapered off, I admit. :( I hope it gets better, because it is a good story and funny.

Good luck with Feral Chaos.

Suggestion... Use the Emperor, get to the top of the stage, use the Mid-Air Flare, then Starfall, floating near the Flare. Feral Chaos will keep avoiding the Flare while trying to get to you. Once the Starfall goes off, cast another Flare, then another Starfall, floating near the fireball.

Man, let's hope Tifa, Jecht, Prishe don't meet...

I really am upset that they didn't add Beatrix from IX or Sora from KH into DuoDecieum.
Rainstorm-Mosspath chapter 18 . 4/11/2011
LOL took me a while to finish but it was worth it!

you oughta do a brief mention about some stuff in 012 to confuse everyone in the story that would be funny.

can't wait for the next chapter!

Xeiden chapter 18 . 4/11/2011
Wahahah Garland is hilarious, even attacks the grim reaper. And of coursse Lich had to appear in the cemetery, it's a shame it were not Scarglimione, they both would be good friends.

PS: Those witches have been very fortunate to Terra was near XD.
OneWingedHeron53 chapter 18 . 4/10/2011
Wish you luck on Feral Chaos.

Now this job is something that could fit Garland, although I have a question. When are you going to do CoD, Golbez, and Sephiroth?
Railtracer chapter 10 . 2/20/2011
I've been reading the story and despite the characters being extremely out of character it managed to grow on me and become interesting and fun.

I would normally have reviewed later but I wanted to say well done with the princess resurrection cameos. good luck on your writing and all that jazz.
Enigma infinite chapter 17 . 1/12/2011
Status quo is God?
Enigma infinite chapter 11 . 1/12/2011
Ha ha ha ha ha!
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