Reviews for I Do But I Don't
goodgirl21 chapter 11 . 6/24/2011
This is a great story. You kept me on my toes every time I thought I had you figured out you just suprised me again. I really hate this story come to an end anyways your a really great writer.
ForeverWriting4Life chapter 11 . 3/17/2011
This was so adorable I loved it, you did a great job capturing their stressed feelings of the wedding and the honeymoon... just great! :)
Julziexx3 chapter 11 . 8/15/2010
Aw! This was amazing! I loved this story so, so, much and I'm really sad it's already over. This chapter was so amazing3
hfce chapter 11 . 8/10/2010
Aww what a great ending. I loved this story. I am going to miss it. ;)
The Atlantean chapter 11 . 8/9/2010
I cannot believe the story has ended! AHHH! You still could have written like a 10 years later chappie! But anyway, AWESOME story, loved every word of it ) Last chapter was filled with loliver fluff, just the way I like it )
withflyingcolors chapter 11 . 8/9/2010
Wow. I really don't know how to respond to this. This was spectacularly, perfectly, fantastically amazingly genius. I can't think of any more adjectives, so I'm sticking with that. Okay, that was a borderline M rating, but since you gave me notice, I was well aware of that, which was good. Becase I am still I high schooler, and I'm not ready to see the very graphic M rated things. So i suppose if there was a rating between T and M, this would be placed there because it wasn't as horrifying as a few of the M things I have read, which in my case, is very, very few. The entire storyline of this chapter, and the entire story in general was very good. The fact that you are specific really makes me like your writing because I love long stories.

And the Lily and Oliver firsts...loved it. Really, any Lilly and Oliver at all gets me interested, so the fact that it's good romance Loliver goodness makes it even better. I'm not going to go into many specifics, but I actually liked the Loliver "first time", even though normally things like that are a bit too explicit for my taste.

Really, I loved it. Can't wait to see more from you.


P.S. How did you like the new Hannah Montana Forever episode? I thought it was great. I kind of freaked out to be honest. Was it really nessecary for Disney to make us wait that long for him to come back? But Oliver did come back, and the hugs when he came in were absolutely adorable. Plus, I loved Lilly in that bad Oliver's only going to be in one more episode. :(. What were your opinions on it?
drummer8907 chapter 11 . 8/9/2010
I'm excited about the chapter, but it's sad to see this story come to an end. Every good wedding story needs a honeymoon chapter, or else you're left to use your imagination. With what you did here, I'd say you dived deep in the Loliver brain and pulled out the best parts; the oh yeah section.

Limo fluff...adorable!

I love all the "firsts" you mention, couch time being my favorite (but you're well aware of that.) That apple tie-in was so clever and really fit well with them. Oliver had a donut moment when he wanting to go write done those lyrics. Very in character.

But this is an Oh yeah chapter, and the way you have them go about, well, undressing is actually a lot more respectful than most would make it. Lilly’s sweet and funny as Oliver get shirtless for his “wifey-pop.” That whole deal about the duel meaning of hot , her dress bothering his Greek god skin; sometimes it’s what you say before oh yeah that makes all the difference.

The “nothing surprise?” I’m thinking OTTTA. The actually surprise was bold for Lilly, but she did it just for him and even catered to his apple fetish. (I hate to use that term, but the boy’s just obsessed.) You wrote it so that it fit both of their characters.

Everything was so vivid, yet respectful…and hot. Can I say that? You always write OSSUM oh yeah, no matter how self conscious you are. I think this was the best way to wrap up this story. Super OSSUM job with every chapter of this fic. The concept, the content, and the couch time-everything. Aww, thank you for the mention, OSSUM buddy! You do the same for me. (Wow did I just use that word 3 times in a one paragraph describe you and your work? That’s a pleasant record to break.)

LOVED THIS! I can’t wait to see your next projects!

Julziexx3 chapter 10 . 8/4/2010
Awh, that was the perfect wedding. I can't wait for the honeymoon :)
CatchTheRainbow chapter 10 . 8/3/2010
Omg. I haven't read a Loliver in ages. I'm sucha fail! This story is down right amazing :) Like omg it just reminded of how much i love this couple! And this chapter was just adorable :) The Perfect loliver wedding! Beautiful job :D I love your writing!
The Atlantean chapter 10 . 8/2/2010
Yay they're married! I love how Lily tortured Miley LOL. AWESOME CHAPPIE. Please don't let the next one be the last!
hfce chapter 10 . 8/2/2010
Aww that was so nice. They are finally married. :)
drummer8907 chapter 10 . 8/2/2010
The wedding day is here! I think I'm equally as excited, haha.

First thing's first: you know I play favorites in this situation. You know how much I hate Miley. Seeing her go through all this torture as a bride’s maid just makes me the happiest person. I can really see Lilly sticking it to her like this. "It's not puke green, it's Apple Green!" :)

Aww, the texting between the couple before the wedding is a cute idea, rather than having them go without contact AT ALL for 24 hours. I don't think Oliver or Lilly could handle that anyway, yet Miley tries. (Ugh. She'll never learn...) It’s adorable how he worries about Lilly.

Water-proof mascara, never-smudge lip stick and Italy: three great tie ins that I’d like to see all mashed into one story, actually. It made be weird to say, but it’s nice to see that the fact that Oliver is a diabetic hasn’t slipped the minds of HM watchers like it has with the show’s writers.

I have gotten lost in chapters before, but I seem to be totally gone in this one. The way you make the bride and groom a nervous wreck, the little things the guest are doing and saying, how you describe scene-it’s like I’m Lilly and I’m the one freaking out.

One liner’s:

Aww, he got the right size ring this time!

The bit about the practicing writing the name: I can see Lilly doodling that from now.

“First love tap as Okens.”-That’s something to remember forever.

Nothing says love like a Big Bear honeymoon. The Emitchel is me is bursting with joy.

This wedding was the perfect amount of fluffy and adorkableness that these two deserve. I definitely think you went beyond expectations with it. Plus, let’s be honest: whenever this chapter isn't diving head first into Loliver love, it's throwing shots at Miley. You can’t have a more epicly OSSUM chapter than that to me. I LOVED this, but I’m very excited for the honeymoon…my thoughts are collecting in anticipation, hehe.

Julziexx3 chapter 9 . 7/31/2010
I LOVE the ending! It's so cute :)Can't wait for the wedding!
The Atlantean chapter 9 . 7/26/2010
Very nice chappie! Can't wait for the wedding!
hfce chapter 9 . 7/26/2010
What a great update. I am glad they resolved their problems. :)
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