Reviews for When We All Fall Apart
LarkFiddle chapter 1 . 8/31
How the FUCK are y'all going to disrespect our Lord by writing a trash story about him being a bitch that got pregnant! GROSS! I hope he destroys y'all tranny ass fools
KestrelTheWolf chapter 10 . 8/5/2018
This chapter was short but well written. The ending is just too adorable for words. Great job! Keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 10 . 4/15/2018
Sooo good xD
Wolf'sVine chapter 10 . 4/2/2018
Okay, please just... finish this fic! And, though I don't think Inuyasha deserves someone as beautiful and amazing as Sesshomaru... (especially after he went and picked Kagome)!, I also hope those two and their daughter will be happy together! And, hopefully, have more children to further bless them! I like this fic and I hope you take it up again.
An Actual Gay Disaster chapter 10 . 6/22/2017
please update
Wolf'sVine chapter 10 . 5/24/2017
So, I ended up rereading this fic. I'm happy that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha have a sweet little girl. And, yeah, I'm still feeling super pissed that Inuyasha was such a dick to Sesshomaru and I still want him to suffer doubt and guilt on whether or not Sesshomaru will take his cheating, asshole self back. Besides my darker emotions getting in the way, I'm still very glad that I read this again. I really do hope you find a way back to this fic and will consider finishing it. It truly is a wonderful fic in my eyes. Though, again, I don't like how Inuyasha treated Sesshomaru. But, that might already be clear to you. So, um, shutting up about that now. Sorry.
Wolf'sVine chapter 10 . 5/6/2017
Huh... while I like and adore this fic, I'm feeling super pissed off! It's cuz, as always, Inuyasha was a two-timing ass and he hurt Sesshomaru and he chose Kagome, but now that it turns out that their relationship was never gonna last, he thinks he can just run back to Sesshomaru and that beautiful ice prince will just open his arms and accept! That pisses me off! The least he could do is grovel... and woo Sesshomaru! Seriously! I can be kinda... unforgiving when someone treats someone badly and than expects to be forgiven so easily. Wounds take freaking time to heal! And trust has to be earned! So, I'm hoping for an update and a groveling Inuyasha... so, please? Soon?
BabyTgo chapter 10 . 6/28/2016
yayyyyyy update. Even though Sesshomaru kind of forgave Inuyasha, Inuyasha needs to work on his relationship w Sesshomaru better cause the shit that he's done should not slide. At all.
Guest chapter 10 . 3/27/2016
Update soon We still be waiting...
Guest chapter 10 . 12/12/2015
I really love this story, please don't drop it :'(
SesshomaruFreak chapter 10 . 9/23/2015
Oh, damn! I knew Naraku would be back! Evil bastard! And I know Inu and Naraku are there, but should Sess really have been sent off alone? Naraku has his 'incarnations' (Kagura, Kanna, Hakudoshi, Byakuya, etc.) not to mention, Naraku has always been good at the demon-puppet thing, as in Inu might not even be fighting the real Naraku, and that evil spider-spawn of Satan could really be waiting in whatever direction Sess ran off in...
Oh, and since it seems Kagome finally got some act-right, I SUPPOSE she may live *huffs skeptically* As long as she behaves herself, and doesn't have anything to do with Naraku...
Damn, just realized this hasn't been updated in over 3 and a half years...your 'Inuyasha' muse is still on vacation, no?
Hopefully, your interest in this story will not stay dormant, as unfinished
SesshomaruFreak chapter 9 . 9/23/2015
Ah, I understand, don't sacrifice quality :) I don't mind some ooc'ness, though lol! I hope your 'Inuyasha' muse comes back soon!
SesshomaruFreak chapter 8 . 9/23/2015
Aww, don't say you've lost interest! This is a really good story! And you only have a few mistakes like spelling and some awkward sentence structure, but it is SO much better than some I've read! Please don't leave this story! *begging eyes*
SesshomaruFreak chapter 7 . 9/23/2015
oh, my! Sess is entering labor, and omg I don't know what's gonna happen! Freaking out here!
SesshomaruFreak chapter 6 . 9/23/2015
omg Inuyasha can't keep doing this to Sess! He's breaking the poor youkai! Ohhh, I caught what Kagome was doing, by the way *frowns* She was checking for Sess's reactions, and loving on Inu when she knew Sess was looking. Bitch...
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