Reviews for Time After Time
Guest chapter 17 . 12/23/2018
If you are still writing, it would be amazing if you finish the story
lachicarebelde22 chapter 2 . 7/6/2018
Will u continue?
Guest chapter 17 . 3/12/2018
Please finish this story. I need it to have a happy ending for Peyton and Nathan
lachicarebelde22 chapter 16 . 4/6/2015
Mooooore pls I've read all 17capts twice
lachicarebelde22 chapter 17 . 4/7/2012
I love the story I really do especially racheal friendship with pathan I really hope u write more soon its been a long long time (so will u write more?)
music-kid3 chapter 17 . 12/24/2010
hello! Pleasee update as soon as you can! I'm still hooked on this story. Happy holidays!
EmmaJoie chapter 17 . 11/8/2010

that is mean: leavinjg us at that point

it was so sad though! i was in tears!

uds xx :)
A-Scrape1010 chapter 17 . 11/8/2010
oh wow... nooo peyton! goodness... tough chapter to read, I can only imagine writing it.. good job! update soon, please!
music-kid3 chapter 16 . 11/3/2010
please finish the story! It was sooo good!
EmmaJoie chapter 16 . 4/26/2010
Ok, so that made me cry. You are an amazing writer. please uds.
Betherzz chapter 16 . 4/25/2010
its a great story so far, i cant wait to see what happens next... really hate rach lol get her outta the picture LOL and make nate go to peyton no matter what that baby they lost is something they have to get through together or neither of them will get past this they will get lost in their own self hate and darkness and self pitty and it will swallow them both to the point where its going to take years of therapy .. she can push him away but hes gotta be stronger and not let her because they need each other to get through this, take it from an expert on the situation except i didnt have my husband he died 3 days before i lost the baby, stress is a terrible thing for a pregnancy, and losing your husband on the 25 and the baby on the 28, the day you bury your husband... kinda makes things difficult... late term miscarriages are the worst because they make you deliver the baby even though its already dead...cant even spare the mother from that god awful pain and suffering... think the doctors would be a bit more compassionate and do a c-section and put you under for that... nope they dont cruel bastards 3 days is what it took for me to lose everything... just make nate go to peyton and not let her push him away, pushing the ones that love you away is one of the worst things you can do to them you still pay the price for that 20 plus years later... just hope that things can be fixed for nate and peyton... great story cant wait to see what happens next
baker33 chapter 1 . 4/25/2010
Even though I never wanted Peyton and Lucas together this is really good. Your a really good writer.
EmmaJoie chapter 15 . 4/16/2010
;( tears. this was so sad. please uds.
Rachel-xox chapter 15 . 3/4/2010
very sad, cant wait for more
grayfan chapter 15 . 2/26/2010
this is my third story that i read tonight and i have cried for each one i think that is enough reading this was a great chapter i could really feel nathan's anguish and peyton's loss and you did a great job with rachel (very real) can't wait for next update thanks
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