Reviews for The Second Glass
DemonWolf25 chapter 4 . 6/19
im reading this one first then probably will read the rewrite. I hope they get back together in the end
Noah arg chapter 29 . 2/21/2018
Ohhhh que genial! me encanto! muchas gracias por este hermoso fic!
TheDandyman chapter 29 . 12/13/2015
Read through the whole thing. Well written. Good plot. Nice OC's. Problems following who was speaking. Confused about when this took place. I want to say after episode 8 with the assumption that Seras regrows her arm. Its as if you didn't finish the series.

Keep writing. Good luck.
Ladyalchemist85 chapter 29 . 9/4/2015
Great story! I enjoyed your take on the characters and look forward to reading your other stories.
Novaxies Drgonov chapter 29 . 1/11/2015
That is quite a good story though in my opinion. when Alucard drops his restrictions I think that could've been cooler. That's just me love the interpretation of Alucard's insanity and great character development. 4.5/5 stars Awesome!
jbadillodavila chapter 29 . 1/9/2015
OptimusPrimegirl213 chapter 1 . 3/4/2014
keep it up love Alucard sexy as hell tehehe
Supermoi chapter 23 . 8/17/2013
Alucard is so pissed. Someone's gonna go through hell really soon! A certain son of a bitch Judas's Priest, I bet!
Supermoi chapter 10 . 8/16/2013
Aaah True vmpire love XD But a lot better then any of this horrible Twilight crap I knew Alucard hid a heart under that red coat of his!
Supermoi chapter 3 . 8/15/2013
That is smoking damn hot... Enough said...
Lune chapter 6 . 1/17/2013
A promising work so far that feels like it needs a bit more love and attention to live to its potential.
Your skill is evident, however it feels as though it isn't applied.
The first chapter, despite being much like a one-shot, had better characterization and descriptiveness. At this point it feels as though you have focused on plot movement at the great expense of building your characters, settings, and moods. More descriptiveness is needed, particularly as you have introduced so many characters that remain yet mostly faceless-featureless beings.

Also... a minor side point, Seras was changed at approximately 19 years of age, not 27.
Scarlethunger chapter 29 . 11/26/2012
Really good and interesting! XD
ShadowWolf chapter 3 . 11/23/2012
now that is some messed up shit right there and i loved it if not im slightly disturbed
MyWeirdoEyes chapter 29 . 8/31/2012
Why'd you had to end it? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!
Well,whatever. I liked this story a lot and i it was definitley worth my time.
Though i'm a little sad that you ended it already. But i'm favoriting the story without a doubt!
Stellar Gal chapter 29 . 8/6/2012
I really enjoyed this fanfic, hopefully you continue writing for Hellsing as you capture the characters quite well.
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