Reviews for See the world through my blue eyes
Pebblepaw chapter 6 . 12/26/2013
This is awesome! Update soon, I want to see how Vlad in Danny's school goes!
jeanette9a chapter 6 . 1/12/2013
aw there isn't more?
Pheonix Autumn chapter 6 . 8/31/2012
Update please?! You story is amazing and funny!
shadow chapter 6 . 6/7/2011
no no it cant stop know its to mutch funnnnn!

danny is mesing up ,vlad is being really cool and how com sam and tucker havent found out yet ? common guys danny got driven to school by vlad,walks like vlad,does'nt care about phalena,and is about to ace a pop quiz i mean come on they aren't even suspisuse?
pearl84 chapter 6 . 5/10/2010
Heh. So far so good for both of them. heh. I doubt it will last for long, though. But I am quite amused by it. Danny's 'Valdimir Masters, fruit loop of the year speaking' in the past chapter was priceless. And Vlad's smarts of handling Dash was also awesome. Heh. i just love a smug Vlad, and it apparently shows even when he's in Danny's body.

Well, keep up the awesome job! I look forward to more!
KitrentheFox chapter 6 . 5/10/2010
Haha! loved it!
aryaneragon4ever chapter 6 . 5/10/2010
~Snickers~ Go V-MAN!
From Darkness and Light chapter 5 . 3/20/2010
LOL! So far so good! Especially when Danny searched Vlad's computer files. Also of how Danny reacted when Vlad treated Paulina. LOL! Man, love it. And, it's only the first day. Can't wait for the next days! Great job! Kudos! Keep it up! Peace out! XD
From Darkness and Light chapter 4 . 3/19/2010
Awsome story! Can't wait to see the next chapter! Very good of keeping everyone in character. And who knew, that Vlad had a bad past. I know you already told me. But, you have to read it to truly feel the emotions and depression. Great job! Keep it going! Kudos! Peace out! XD
Mz. Ogie chapter 4 . 2/12/2010
Oh dear... *snorts* this should be interesting...

Update soon!

Mz. Ogie chapter 1 . 1/22/2010
Whoa, holy CRUDBALLZ! This chapter is named after me!
pearl84 chapter 2 . 1/14/2010
Well, i can't say i get the whole idea of Vlad smoking. To me he seems like a.. healthier person than that. but, meh, that's my take.

Aside from that, I sure find the plot very interesting. i do hope you don't give up or anything. I really get sad when i get into a story and the writer never finishes.

Also, chapters could be longer. I find them too short. But, again, that's just me.

Anyways, so far our halfas are right on-aside from the smoking thing. heh-and your writing style is very nice.

It was nice to see them talking to each other for once-until they got into their usual fighting-which is not surprising! heh-heh!

Keep it up! I definitely look forward to seeing Danny and Vlad learn a bit more about each other! I always enjoy the whole father/friendship bonding thing between the halfas!

Until next time!
Clier chapter 2 . 1/14/2010
i'm so sorry for not reviewing before now-but i think you'll be happy to know that i have been reading and subsequently very much enjoying this story. there's some really good interaction this chapter, and kudos for writing with some focus and direction (which i so often find my own stories lacking).

if you're looking for it, i suppose my only piece of advice would be to read your stories aloud before posting-it's a great way to edit and is SUPER USEFUL because your ears will pick up a lot of little mistakes (grammar, sentence structure, etc.) that your eyes may not catch. now, chances are you'll feel like a damn fool doing it, but trust me, it works like a charm.

keep up the good work! i'll keep reading if you keep posting:)
Nimrod The Writer chapter 2 . 1/14/2010
This deserves way more reviews! D:

Much better chapter. The character interactions were great and I loved every minute of it! I can't wait till they switch bodies. XD Good Job!
Nimrod The Writer chapter 1 . 1/10/2010
Not bad, my friend, not bad. :) Started out well and the ending left me hooked for the next chapter. Going so indepth about his mother's box and his first cat kinda detracted from the story though, unless there's some secret plot thing that I don't know about yet. (In that case, please ignore me)

But all in all, I see a lot of improvement from you. :) Keep up the great work!