Reviews for Pietro's no1 Crush
Child of the Rune chapter 18 . 6/13/2013
Loved it. Loved it loved it loved it!

Your characters are amazingly written and really grow with the story. Your writing style is just absolutely fantastic, an this whole story is simply wonderful!

Aww... Gotta love amazing lietro.
And that big confusion at the beginning, like a game of Chinese Whispers ahaha..!

I thought this story was beautiful, hilarious, well-written, adorable and included splendiforous Lance and Pietro... So... PERFECTION.

Simply stunning!
Guest chapter 8 . 7/27/2012
Soo good
MistressOfRobins chapter 18 . 6/29/2010
I loved this story to no end! You did an awesome job ! :D Thank you for this great Lietro story! There are just too few of them here on FF. net! :D


Punk Rocker Arashi chapter 17 . 11/5/2009
I just wanted to add this since I thought about it after. I want to apologize for any mispellings or anything I wrote in my review that might be hard to read. I tried to take my time to type properly so my talking would be more clear since I have never spoken to you before. Wow it's a lot harder to type without adding my voicing to it while I do since I talk half the time while I type. My accent is even more clear in my own head then what it sounds like to me when I talk. Oh wait, I'm rambling again. Sorry. It's also hard to type on this damn Itouch... It can't seem to keep up with my fingers and it's really hard to slow down to normal people speed. I'm doing it again... Anyways, yeah just wanted to apologize for that.


Ps. Hit me back if you want to chat some time about your work or just in general. Stupid normal slowness... This would be a lot easier on my puter. Well maybe not. XD
Punk Rocker Arashi chapter 18 . 11/5/2009
Interesting. I thought that Lance's dreams were complex yet simple, well played out. It was nice to see the detail that you put into it since most authors merely skip the finer points excusing it with "well it's only a dream." It annoyse when people do that, I think that worked on favor for you here. I did see quite a few mistakes grammatically as well as punctuations and what appeared to be miswordings. I'd like to read more of your writings, but I am afraid that nothing I see that you have previously written is catching any of my current addictions. Albeit Yaoi is always an obsession of mine. There are a few pairings that I wonder what you would make of them. I must also compliment your organizational skills. I get frustrated quite a bit with a lot of stories from lack of organization since I can't help critiquing everything I read. That is one reason I am a beta. chuckles.

HoboLover chapter 18 . 7/20/2009
I loved this story so much! Sorry I didn't write reviews for each chapter... I'm sorta like that. I do the reviews at the last new chapter. lol. But I really did love this story. The plot and such were so great that I think you should do another story like this... but like with a different show or something. But hey, it's up to you.

HoboLover chapter 1 . 7/17/2009
Oh, I like it

wendy 90210 chapter 1 . 6/30/2009
write more quicksilver stories
scribblesTHEotaku chapter 18 . 2/2/2008
Awesome fic and great ending. Infact it was so awesome that I had to fave it.*adds to favoriets*
LucaLight chapter 18 . 10/24/2007
I loved this story, it was great.
BldyMalice chapter 18 . 8/1/2007

I'm officially a Lietro fan.

And I truly love all the Todd in this, it pleased me ;D

Hart Todd, Hart Pietro.
VeryVeryDead chapter 1 . 7/23/2007
I loved it, it was well written, well thought out, and the lemons were heated, yay!

This was absolutely brilliant, and the longest fic I've ever read, lol.

Go Lietro!
Shane chapter 11 . 8/29/2005
Great story, cute, humoruess I like it keep up the good work.
LanceWolfboy chapter 18 . 4/29/2005
So cutesy! I likes very much! Thanks for lightenin' my depressed mood!
Yaoi lover chapter 8 . 12/20/2004
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