Reviews for Need To Know
nickynad13 chapter 1 . 7/25/2014
Urgh, i didn't want this to end!
As much as I didnt like Ethan, it kinda made me understand that jealousy is based on insecurities that person has about themselves. Ethan for all his talk about being good for Justin knew Brian, in his own special way was better, hence why he always got so defensive while talking about him. Justin was just lost! Everytime im reading Ethan talking I cant help but roll my eyeballs, and I would always mute him when he talked! And I love the emailing thing, again.. I can totally see that happening! And I love that Daph also supported their relationship! Omg and I always knew Brian never kissed anyone on the mouth ever again, since they made those rules in s02e06! Loved I realized that… Brian not kissing someone else means more to me than you kissing me does."
Cricrijolie chapter 1 . 2/17/2012
Loved it!
SoulMore chapter 1 . 1/8/2012
chaval chapter 1 . 12/25/2011
Fabuleusement romantique ! J'aime.
Vog chapter 1 . 8/3/2011
cute alternative) would you mind if I translate it?
OnceaSuperWhoLockian chapter 1 . 1/20/2011
SO GREAT! I love the e-mails between Brian and Justin and their conversation at the diner at the beginning. I adored Justin's tirade at Ethan telling the truth hahaha serves him right. AWESOME STORY!

Endless December chapter 1 . 10/30/2010
Once again, I loved it )
Melle22 chapter 1 . 8/18/2010
Very good, very nice. I espcially liked the interaction between Brian and Jennifer. I think Jennifer really gets him now, her makeup story making me think she has a lot of doubts about her son's realationship with Ethan.

Just good. Yeah.
Vinyaya chapter 1 . 8/8/2010
"Jennifer, did you have to cancel your therapy appointment this week or something?" Brian snarked. - WIN

"I left BRIAN for you. What the fuck more do you want?" - HAHAHAHAHAHA. Poor Ethan. And really, Justin? And you're still with the FIDDLER? Really?

God, Ethan is so obnoxious. With all the pet-name-cooing and hand-kissing. Gross.

I love the random little emails. It's interesting to see Brian and Justin just be friends, and you do it exactly how I'd imagine/hope it would be. I'd like to see more of them just being random together... unfortunately my imagination frequently betrays me and I find myself visualizing them having violent sex. Sigh. it's their fault for being so hot.

"Brian not kissing someone else means more to me than you kissing me does." - TRUE. LOVE. AND. PERFECT. PHRASING.

Oh GODDDD, the end *swoons*. I think I'm addicted to your QAF fics. SO GOOD. Like ice cream.
Msedward chapter 1 . 2/8/2010
Good to know that now it is all okay. Good job.
Bigdogz09 chapter 1 . 12/18/2009
I love this story. I think I just recently read in livejournal and still had to re-read it here - it's so good. Great stuff!
David boreanaz's wife247 chapter 1 . 12/17/2009
yay there back yaho
MaMoray chapter 1 . 12/16/2009
I was really surprised to hear QAF has had a jump in author posts on this site, but it's a pleasant surprise. You should post your fic on other sites because your characterization is so on point! You make Brian human without him seeming OOC. You make Justin semsible, without making him a wimp. The best part I like is how you make Ethan a boyfriend, but not a horrible person. You have the perfect balance, I think. I read tons of QAF fics and am always on the hunt for something that captures me. The way you wrote Justin, the way you wrote that kiss to his nose, perfect. :)Thanks for a lovely read and I hope my review isn't too jumbled, sometimes I ramble, haha.