Reviews for Broken truth
grimmich chapter 1 . 12/18/2019
oh my god I love seme!ichigo and uke!kisuke! This was so good (the first of the pairing i've read) I hope I can find more of this pairing in similar quality...
kannl chapter 1 . 1/21/2019
love it
Cucumber-Monger chapter 1 . 12/5/2017
I love it! Break the mold, indeed! I didn't think I could enjoy reading Urahara as an uke, but I liked it a lot! It helps that you portrayed Ichigo's personality properly. One trap a lot of talk writters fall into is declaring clearly defined and starkly contrasted gender roles, which aways puts I e character severely OOC as the "whiney female". You didn't do that and I love you for it!
Please keep writing. You did an amazing job and I look forward to reading more stories written by you.

Love always,

Guest chapter 1 . 12/12/2016
I loved it so much!
FandomHopperV2.0 chapter 1 . 4/8/2015
I love you.
It's really really hard to find a uke urahara.
Not sure why though, it's practically in his name :3
SageNemesis chapter 1 . 2/21/2015
I've been on an Ichigo/Kisuke binge lately (gonna read your other Ichiura stories now _), and I've gotta say I love the conversation your Isshin had with them. I keep running into ones where he's either completely unreasonable and keeps treating Ichigo like a kid no matter how much shit he's seen and how much of an adult he's become, or ones where he just immediately decides that he's perfectly fine with it. I love the argument Ichigo gave him, the whole 'we're not normal, if I was a normal 19 year old and you two were normal 40 year olds, it'd be different, but you two are dead and I'm hardly even human any more' (stupid fanfiction doesn't let me copy and paste, and I'm lazy). It's exactly the sort of thing I'd write if I was gonna do one of these.
As to the lemon, could use a bit of refining, but it's pretty good, and this is an old story anyways, so you've probably improved in that area.
The OOC thing should bother me more, but maybe I'm just too delighted by Isshin? Meh.
Jazzybella chapter 1 . 6/18/2014
I love this. This is just so wow. Mind blown. This is just beautiful. You wrote these two, spot on (for me at least) having to deal with PTSD. You rock.
Zaphire the Above chapter 1 . 3/10/2014
Sofie Eolas Holmes chapter 1 . 9/30/2012
So Good, would be funny to see team kurosaki chase him through town *grins evily* :D
bwee chapter 1 . 8/20/2011
:) it was awesome! loved it arigato for the good story *bows*

my fav part is isshin's acceptance and defence of both parties a nice touch :)
Sora Aijin chapter 1 . 8/7/2011
This was really good, in a sort of screwed-up, twisted way. I think the way you matter-of-factly had Ichigo changed so much from his experience was... well, the only word I could think of was right. It just WAS, you know?

Anyways, cheers!
Safiiri chapter 1 . 7/14/2011
Breaking the mold is awesome! I've never understood why 90% of fics with Ichigo in them have him as the uke :-P Change it up, seriously! One of my fav Kisuke/Ichi fics has them switch depending on mood /grin Way it should be ;-)

Loved your story btw, I really liked the way you handled Isshin :)
Of Kings and Queens chapter 1 . 5/31/2011
Awww! I loved it! It was so cute!
Yami no Serena chapter 1 . 5/28/2011
The story is totally awesome, but I would have enjoyed it much more if hadn't had so many errors in it! Really, you need to read your fic first before posting it! Because this one'd errors made not because of something like lack of grammar knowledge, but because of remissness, like thinking about one word but writing another.
R.A chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
This was fabulous! I loved the role reversal with ichi/kisu! You did a great job portraying everything.

I agree Isshin's reaction is very believable in this so, nice work!

I really liked the fact that it was realistic!

I agree with you that Urahara is hiding himself behind his facade, I liked that you stripped him of that, if only for the moment. :)

one correction I'll mention:

[Ichigo snorted "I'm well versed in the practice of drinking to numb and forget"]

I'm not sure if you're aussie or from the u.s. however in Aus practice is spelt with 2 cs not an s.

Overall though the spelling word use, and turn of phrase used were spectacular I could easily imagine the scene you described, I could see it happening so congratulations!

If you write like this in all your other stories, I'll definitely read them all too! :)

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