Reviews for Second Fiddle
Shawn Raven chapter 1 . 4/12/2016
Poor Chip. :P
anniebrackett chapter 1 . 2/22/2010
"He knew they loved each other with that crazy, fucked-up, once-in-a-lifetime, bullshit love, and it made him totally and completely ill."

That and the last line were the best parts.

I love the way you wrote how he sees them, and it's totally how it was in the movie. Because they were totally gay for each other ;)

Great story!
Diablo Priest chapter 1 . 12/14/2009
I liked the diction and mood, but think this is too short. You sound very busy, but you should consider trying to expand this. There's quite a love triangle here.
Alexawynters chapter 1 . 12/3/2009
an right he should, she's Jennife Check lol EVERYONE plays second to her lol loved it.
Avarenda chapter 1 . 12/3/2009
Hah! this is great. It's an interesting look into the mind of Chip, and how he sees and perceives Jen and Needy's relationship. He also seems surprisingly accurate.

I didn't like Chip in the movie much, mostly because he was so bland and we didn't really get to see any of his good points, but at least you can understand him in this fic. Perhaps sympathize a little.

But it's so hard to do so when you just want to root for Jen/Needy the whole way. Especially when he gets jealous and acts like a douche.
Melanie-Kisaragi chapter 1 . 12/2/2009
As much as I hate Chip, this was really good. Damn right Chipper, you better get used to playing second fiddle:P