Reviews for Raine Maker
vIoLeT bUtTeRfLy 90 chapter 1 . 5/2/2010
Aw poor Leon probably thought he was getting a new brother and once again ended up with a seven-foot, one-winged, Masamune wielding, possessive psycho!XD

I love how everyone was just standing there and watching Sephiroth make out with Leon! Vincent is acting all giddy gaga for future grandkids, the girls are acting like complete fangirls, Riku is creeped out, and Cid is gonna have to offer some advice!XD

Poor Leon! At least Riku and Cid will help him through the madness!XD

Great chapter! Update soon please!:D
KitaraStrife chapter 1 . 11/9/2009
Oh dear sweet kingdom hearts! XD Leon's in for a WORLD of news and new experiences! Hope the Little Lion can endure it without reverting to SeeD Commander mode. XD chapter 1 . 10/26/2009
Oh poor Leon! What else indeed. Great chapter.
BlackDomina71 chapter 1 . 10/12/2009
Man I'd just LOVE to get a pic of Seph publicly mauling pretty Lion. Poor guy doesn't have a clue!
AccountDismissed chapter 1 . 10/12/2009
Awesome story, I love how Sephiroth just pounced poor Leon. Sephiroth could be so adorable in his possessiveness. Keep up the good work, cant wait to read more.
brukleflesche chapter 1 . 10/12/2009
I'm usually more of a lurker than a reviewer, but I've decided to come out from behind the curtain this time so I could tell you how much I adore pretty much the majority of your stories. I'm a huge fan of uke!Leon, so I love reading your fics where he's paired with Cloud or Sephiroth. The recurring themes in your stories (family, parenthood, the bonds between couples and among groups of dear friends, etc.) I think must touch something very primal in me, as I can just read these works over and over again.

On another note, I wish there really WERE a 7' tall man as beautiful as Sephiroth out there! I'm a tall woman, so tall (and attractive) men are like rare jewels. Leon's too short for me...and he belongs as uke in a gay relationship anyway. XP Keep up the amazing work, okay?
Raider of the Lost Book chapter 1 . 10/11/2009
Sque! A new story! I love it already. Poor confused Leon and the whole Possessive!Sephiroth is absolutely hysterical. I can't wait to read more!
ohxasphyxiationx chapter 1 . 10/11/2009
You know I love your work, and this story looks like it's going somewhere wonderful and incredibly sexy, but...

What was up with the comma usage? It was kind of confusing and the dialogue seemed broken. I was, kind of, reading it like this.

By no means am I insulting you because I think you're amazingly talent and I read everything you write (subscribed!) and this is the only time I've noticed this. Just thought perhaps it was something you didn't notice and should be brought to your attention!
Compelled chapter 1 . 10/11/2009
I have to say; I've found something wrong (so wrong it should be a sin, really) with your writing- waiting for for updates.

When I first found your writing most of the stories were complete, and it was so great sitting down and reading them over and over again. But now that I have to wait for new chapters, it's awful. Makes me all jittery. xD


3 Another great one to add to the list, madam.

(Also- best birthday present ever.)
DarkBombayAngel chapter 1 . 10/11/2009
It sounds great. Can't wait for more. -
VioletStar98 chapter 1 . 10/11/2009
Ah...a new story, I see. And it's not a oneshot like most of your prequels are. :)
Favorite of Chaos chapter 1 . 10/11/2009
how cute, please continue