Reviews for The Descent
Sakut Uastk chapter 5 . 10/2/2019
What- nO
Sakut Uastk chapter 3 . 10/1/2019
Sakut Uastk chapter 1 . 10/1/2019
Yandere much?
GhostInTheBAU chapter 7 . 7/31/2017
This of the best CM fics I've ever read. I'm actually rereading it now, and the characterizations are spot on, the unsub is creepy af, and the emotions are palpable. I adore your writing. Thank you so much for sharing.
tvd-spn chapter 7 . 12/20/2016
This is an amazing story and extremely well written - thank you so much for sharing it. : )
Cherubim chapter 7 . 10/7/2016
Your combined stories: The Descent and Broken Things are literary classics.
Thank you for sharing.
3DBABE1999 chapter 7 . 6/5/2016
Reid is just so strong.. My heart broke for him but he persevered and survived..
Picas Lei-Fur chapter 7 . 2/15/2015
I really don't like non-con scenes, but the way you delved into the "predator's" mind was truly compelling and had me devouring this work in a day just to see what would happen next.
Kas3y chapter 7 . 2/4/2015
Ok, excuse my french... But this was F*****ING FANTASTIC :D.

I have read many different fan-fictions from many different Authors and I have to say that u top every single writer I have ever read from.

U have amazing talent with writing, I felt like I was actually reading a published book. The depth of the writing in this story is far greater than any words I can grant u. I loved every bit of this story. I was actually looking forward to it being a deathfic, but even thou it wasn't I still thought it was brilliant.

I am going to be looking at ur other story and hope to god there are others that I read, Cuz I, again, LOVE THIS, I do not think I could ever tire of ur writing.

Even thou this story only had seven chapters, it felt longer because every chapter was long and greatly worded. This story never felt rushed and the ending was amazing.

Over all, my words cannot express how much this story captured my attention, and how happy I am that I just started reading Criminal Mind fanfics as I never would have read this fantastic piece of work :D

I loved ur in depth characterization on the Unsub. He was done amazingly.
If u ever wanted to, I believe u would be an amazing story writer outside of the fan-fiction world. Keep up ur amazing talent and I hope u work many more wonders :D
In.wonderland1989 chapter 7 . 11/26/2014
Wow so much detail. It was rather wordy and I lost some of the storyear and ended up skimming most of it. Pretty good though
leahk80 chapter 7 . 11/5/2014
awesome story!
olliebella chapter 7 . 10/14/2014
brilliant story xx
Wyndmir chapter 7 . 7/31/2014
Whew. This was a tough one. If the writing hadn't been so good, I would've abandoned it, but your writing is *really* good. Not gonna lie though, I had to skim portions because it was just too unpleasant, and my tolerance for the truly sadistic stuff has diminished over the years. I adore peril and hurt/comfort, but mostly of the milder variety these days. ...Not that you care anything about that, heh. The reality is that the quality of your writing is the best I've seen so far in this fandom, so bravo. Still, part of me wishes I hadn't read this - or that I could un-see all those things happening to poor Reid. *sigh* Oh well.
KuletXCore chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
this fic reminds me of Avicii.

Because Tim Berg is actually Avicii
Frakking Toasters chapter 7 . 7/3/2013
That was absolutely amazing. The way you captured the psychological aspects of all the characters, especially Reid and The Predator, absolutely blew my mind. I could not put this down and read it all in one sitting. It was dark and difficult but so utterly real to life and true to the characters. One of my favourite CM fics by far. You totally channelled Spencer. Just WOW. xo
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