Reviews for Last August
aishicakes chapter 1 . 10/3/2009
THis is so sad :( So very sad :( Extremely sad!

Very well written and good, but very sad :( I think I said that already. Could you make a sequel and happy ending? :)
Loved-Invention chapter 1 . 9/27/2009
Well that was depressing….But a completely marvelous idea! I enjoyed it to no end, even though I felt like hugging Nate (but the image of hugging that boy could never be a bad thing, could it?).

I loved it. It should be a two shot… But I liked the open-ending, it leaves a mystery.

Chasseuse chapter 1 . 9/25/2009
And now I'm sad.

You make him sound like a kicked puppy.

cr8vgrl chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
So sad! :( But it was well-written! It was a really great idea, Paige! Thanks so much for posting this. It's nice to see the vulnerable side of Nate every once in a while.
LivingInTheNow chapter 1 . 9/13/2009
aw! poor nate... the least she could do is reply, even if she doesn't want to get back together with him. ignoring people for that long is pretty lame.
of self chapter 1 . 9/13/2009
This is tragical. Nate/Caitlyn is one of my OTP's and I'm sad that Caity doesnt see Nate that way. I'm even sadder that poor Nate cant get over it. And I'm even sadder for that dude who wrote it in the first place. A whole lot of sadness. Sigh. Very nice Paige, you handled Nate's heartbreak really well. :)
dreamin.paradise chapter 1 . 9/13/2009
Paige! :D

this was absolutely brilliant, and i dont care if u think otherwise :P lol, just kiddin.

This story makes a lot of sense to me. things like that actually happen.. Shane was being all 'big brother' type but i really liked the way u wrote him..

and nate, he was incredible.

I loved how u portrayed the emotions and although it was short, i think it makes it all the more better :]

i really liked it!

You're an awesome writer!


- Nikki
Suuz112 chapter 1 . 9/13/2009

I like it, it was short but powerful!

You always do such a good job, at everything! xD

I'm jealous. T-T
IndifferentIgnorance chapter 1 . 9/13/2009
Interesting, but I think it would have been better if we knew what the message was.
ride2night chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
That was good but oh so sad:[

Poor Nate.

Very well written and I can't wait for more one-shots from you:]

LittleRedOne chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
That made me so flipping sad for Nate. He just sits and waits, checking his inbox everyday even though it's been, what, four months since he heard from her? Shane's bluntness made me angry before I realized he'd probably had just about enough of Nate being hung up on Caitlyn and wanted to do something to change that. Unfortunately he just went about it in a kind of heartless way. The good intentions were there though I believe.

I don't know if anything I rambled just made sense - it's late (early for you!) and I need to go to bed. This was awesome though. I can't wait to see any of the other one-shots based off any of those secrets posted. :D

stealingheaven chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
You are an absolute genius for coming up with the idea to write fanfictions out of those secrets.

I think I've finally found some inspiration. Thank you, oh wise and wonderful Paige :D

Moving on to the real review. xD I just want to give Nate a big ol' hug. Even if Caitlyn won't write you messages, I will :D

And Shane is so loving, and big brotherly, I think he deserves a hug too.

joannacamilley chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
Aww, I feel bad for Nate. Oh well, that's life. You break some hearts, you get yours broken. This was good! It didn't seem rushed to me!
olddawglightweight chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
I can totally understand that! Up until a couple of months ago, I hadn't heard from my best friend in almost a year. And, then, just like that ... he replied to one of my wall posts. ):

But, that's a long story which still hasn't ended, so I'll drop it.

Thanks for your review, Paige, you make me smile everytime. Seriously, you're awesome.

And this was a wonderful oneshot. (: