Reviews for Apocalypse Now, Absolution Later
Spn1fan2 chapter 1 . 6/23/2019
Great Story!
mtwin chapter 4 . 5/3/2019
This story was fabulous. The plot- great! The insight into Dean's thoughts- fantastic! Sam- heartbreaking in the best way. And to top it off, you had some wonderfully entertaining one liners like Cas's "Have we bonded sufficiently that we may proceed now?" line. Thank you!
Iuvsbruce chapter 4 . 3/13/2018
This was a perfect story for the end of season 4! I hated that season and you made it better! Thank you so very much! God bless you!
uniquemangalover chapter 1 . 3/8/2018
This is awesome!
Lacysos chapter 4 . 3/4/2017
Can't believe I just read four chapters of awful Sam v. Judgmental self-righteous Dean. Dean can't forgive Sam for months but Cass he forgives in a heart beat. Really?

This is the first Faye Dartmouth fanfic I've read that I just absolutely hate.

I read the note to SamGirls at chapter two and kept reading. The last two chapters were no better than the first two.
iB3LIEVE chapter 4 . 12/10/2016
This is precious.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/5/2015
This was AWESOME. Thank you for writing it x
Lady Cactis chapter 4 . 7/2/2014
I... I never particularly liked Dean's attitude in well, ever, but you hit all the rights points in this fic, and it just makes me hate him a little. I loved the fic, it is very profound and well-written. One of the things that really irked me (because it was pretty bullseye) is how here Dean goes on and on about being the Saviour and carrying the burden of the world, because yeah, I think that is pretty much in character for him, self-centered as it is, to forget that Sam is not his possession or his kid and that he can save the world too. It almost made me feel, and I am a horrible person for this, like thinking, serves Dean right that Sam will end up sacrificing himself for the world. I hope Dean suffers horribly for that.

Maybe I have gotten a little carried away, but really, I love your style and consistency :).
thisisgarbagedontreadit chapter 4 . 3/10/2014
Sphinixius chapter 4 . 2/1/2014
I shouldn't be surprised anymore that your stories are awesome, but you still manage to amaze and wow me with the sheer depth of that awesomeness, every time, without fail. Seriously, I loved this.
Frakking Toasters chapter 4 . 11/27/2013
I love the smell of forgiveness in the morning! That was great. xo
Anon chapter 4 . 7/1/2013
Oh! You're amazing at invoking emotion without hating on or bashing any of the characters! Deans angst (as much as I hated it :p) and especially sams guilt gave me physical pain in my chest it was that good!
Cdw43 chapter 4 . 6/21/2013
So, you can certainly take a prompt and run with it! It is really amazing what you did with that. Too many good things in the story to detail here. I will just saw, if you are a reader, wondering if you should read this story? Then yes, absolutely you should.
DannixPhantom chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
Thank you for appreciating Sam as much as I do:p
kateanddin chapter 4 . 5/11/2013
I hate you with all those emotions you make me feel! Well that's not true...I love your work, that's why I keep reading and reading but seriously, you have to stop making me cry, it's just becoming harder to hide that I'm crazy when I tear up front of my computer ;)
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