Reviews for Hidden Away
TuesdayNovember chapter 1 . 9/12/2010
That was wonderfully brilliant! I love how it read like a fairy tale. It was very powerfully written, and I simply adored it.

Great job! )
Inkfire chapter 1 . 6/9/2010
I loved this fic, it was beautifully done. Great job!
Relala chapter 1 . 3/4/2010
When I first saw that you were on the list of under-reviewed stories I have to admit I was more than a little amazed. How anyone could pass up a story by xoxcrescentmoonxox is quite beyond me. Your stories are always beautifully written, wonderfully descriptive, and they never fail to take me long a rollercoaster of emotions. I was a little doubtful that I would ever like something from you as much as I loved “Stars, Fallen” but this really is fantastic. A sure favourite, to say the least.

“Cissy's far flung fancies” — Something about this line just tickles me in all the right places. I think it’s mostly because I love it when words with the same beginning letter are written in a row. Far flung fancies. Say it five times fast.

“It's Rapunzel that she reads about the most; silly Rapunzel with her golden plaits, who sits on a window-seat and cries for a prince to rescue her. Silly Rapunzel who, for all that she's pathetic, gets her prince; gets her escape—and if someone like that can come out happily ever after, why not Andromeda?” — I truly adore the way you compare Andy to Rapunzel throughout this piece, showing us how badly she wishes her life were the fairytale. I think that really worked with the idea of calling her Princess Andromeda, and having it be called Black tower, and everything else you did in that regard. The theme for this was quite marvellously done.

“Smiles, and tries to forget what she'll be abandoning.” and “But now her mother is shrieking to her that they'll be late, and the room is barren of Andromeda's life, and there's nothing more to do here—so she clatters downstairs and doesn't look back” — These lines really brought to mind the bittersweet moment of moving away, and it helped me connect really well with the character. It just made me stop for a moment and realize that everything you write seems very realistic, and I that you seem to have a very good grasp of human emotion and nature.

“She will never have to laugh at silly Rapunzel, secretly envying her perfect ending, because Andromeda's own is better than any fairy tale. Andromeda Tonks kisses Ted in the midst of this explosion of summer colors. She kisses him, and she doesn't look back.” — I’m not personally one for happy endings, but I must say that you did that in a gorgeous way. I adore how it was an “explosion of summer colours” the most.

Hope to see more from you soon!
Luna Rapunzel chapter 1 . 2/28/2010
Love it! I really like the way you paralleled Andromeda's story with Rapunzel's, the mentions of her similar appearance to Bellatrix and their respective influences on Narcissa (it's not relevant to the plot, necessarily, but it's a really nice, introspective touch to throw in), and the descriptions of the gardens/Andromeda's wistful appreciation of them.
Il'Diko chapter 1 . 2/25/2010
Crescent, this was beautifull! Very wel writen! I loved Andromeda, I liked how she compared herself to Bella, how she was sure she would miss Cissy... The final scene, the Juriwtch stumbling trough a muggle ceremony was the final touch to make this briliant.
Bad Mum chapter 1 . 2/24/2010
This is really well done. I love the imagery of the maze and the link with "silly" Rupunzel and the guilt she feels about leaving Narcissa.
Wendy Brune chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
I really liked this story. Your characterization of Andromeda is well done and believable. I love the fairy tale motifs you used. Great work - this is so going in the archive!
Valentina-Lestrange chapter 1 . 2/2/2010
I loved this. Well, I'm slightly biased anyway because it's about the Black Sisters and I love them but hey ho, awesomeness is awesomeness _

I really liked the way you compared her life to a fairytale, you could really sense her frustration and longing to escape.

The ending was lovely as well. Very good read.
Smile Life Away chapter 1 . 1/7/2010
I absolutley loved it:) I like how you used all of the metaphorical comparisons (is that the right word). Either way i loved it so much, I've been working so hard on doing an Andromeda story (almost wasted a whole notebook) and been failing miserably at it due to my want for chapters. Anyway I really liked reading it and thanks for writing...Favorite
LJConnelly chapter 1 . 12/28/2009
Oh it definitely made sense! I love the irony that you captured in that Andromeda's summers are a lot like Harry's summers, except the Durseleys hate wizards and the Blacks hate Muggles. Go figure!

There were all sorts of great lines in here, but I think what I liked the most was your attention to detail. Not everyone would have gone to the trouble to drop a name for who gave Andromeda the fairy tale book! As soon as I read that, my first thought was, "An UNCLE in the Black family gave her a what?" But then I suspected he was one of the others that had been blasted off the tree, looked it up on the Lexicon, and sure enough, that was the case! I so love seeing such attention to details. It really adds another layer to the depth of the story.
Shiroiyuki3 chapter 1 . 12/12/2009
This was so sweet! I feel really sad that the Black family was so torn apart (and Narcissa did turn out to be a little blone Bellatrix, without the craziness. What a shame!)

This story flowed very well and was easy to picture in my mind. Everything seemed very natural and realistic, bravo!
verity candor chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
Aw, how sweet! Love the description of how she can't actually make herself be angry at Cissy, but how she sees disconcerting similarities between herself and Bella, excellent job getting their relationship in such few words. In fact, despite it's length this entire fic was paced with so much insight and detail. Brilliant job.
Mrs.GingerHinkley chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
The delayed review is no comment on the story, but the reviewer, because I absolutely love it! It was particularly fascinating considering the connection to Andromeda the star.

I really loved the Bella and Cissy paragraphs. It showed just the right sort of dynamics between Andromeda and her sisters at this point in her life. There is some great inner turmoil when Andromeda acknowledges the scary similarities between her and Bella. But the best part is the last sentence: "That a trapped Princess is always better than her wicked Sister." Goodness gracious, the power of words! So wonderful... And of course the innocence of Narcissa is sweet and completely terrifiying at the thought of "a little blonde Bellatrix". Talk about scary thoughts.

The image of Andromeda leaving without looking back rips my heart out. I just hope you realize that. But, I suppose if it has to happen, at least it was well written and poetic.

Great job! It would be really cool to read some more Black metaphors... hint, hint...
Dramione Forever chapter 1 . 9/11/2009
Beautiful piece!. I loved it :).
JacksonFrost chapter 1 . 9/9/2009
This is beautiful. I think you captured Andromeda perfectly.

The paragraph with Narcissa was very bitter-sweet.
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