Reviews for Trust, Loyalty, Commitment
BellaTesoro chapter 21 . 9/28/2019
This what I dislike about most organized religions, mine included, it's that everything is black and white, it's our way or the highway...and sadly real life and real people aren't black and white and don't always fit into one square peg and even though they may not think like you or agree with you doesn't mean they aren't good and decent and can find redemption and be success stories. Charlie clearly showed he doesn't practice what he preaches if he could be so right and wrong toward his always good daughter. I think Bella should have left his house at that point and then show through actions that in fact it's her life and she can and will live it in her own truth and loving way and like a well adjusted adult will love and take life where it will take her.
BellaTesoro chapter 19 . 9/28/2019
Oh wow, this is my second reading and it's like reading for the first time! I guess those skanks coming to Edward's door wasn't such a bad thing anyway if it got Bella to want to notched things up and move a base and a half and get some much desired release from them both. The only thing I question is, is this not having sex even those they are wearing some cloths? They both orgasmed and felt really sensual and intimate, I'd say that's sex. So what Bella is holding on to is just penetration but you don't need that to have sexual intimacy. I'm thinking that what these two are going to do sexually is even more intimate than finally taking Bella's V card.
BellaTesoro chapter 14 . 9/27/2019
I have to say that Bella's wants and needs are pretty self centered. Having said that, that's not always a bad thing. She certainly has the right to have this vision of just what she wants in a future husband but it seems to me the men in this version of her faith plan for marriage has to adhere to her plans and not take in count the other persons plan. idk, just seems pretty self serving and unrealistic for adult men and women to insist their belief that sex is only for marriage is pretty all or nothing and life just isn't that way. Like I said, to each their own and I respect everyone's religious choices but although this doesn't come close to Edward's experience with the cult religion he and his mother were part of, it seems like on some smaller level it's pretty much if you don't follow my belief then go fly a kite...
BellaTesoro chapter 8 . 9/25/2019
All the religious details are starting to make me confused and wonder if religion isn't getting into everyone's lives and causing more harm than good. Edward for sure has been dealt with a variety of problems and most coming from his parents and religion. His mother was in a cult and now needed to be un-brainwashed. Bella, who is miss prim and proper, even when she says otherwise, and now has rekindled a romance with someone who has seen God's light and has changed his life and then there's Edward who's about to do change his life too. James seems to have turned Bella on in more ways than one, religiously and sexually/romantically. How's Edward going to get in the middle of all that when he's got work to do in his own life. This is getting pretty one sided with God believers are the way to win Bella's heart...
BellaTesoro chapter 4 . 9/24/2019
Edward was right to warn Bella away from him if he so easily has a booty call with someone he admits not to respect very much. I see why Edward sees Bella as purity while he knows he has issues with commitment etc via his insight while in therapy. And Bella has her hands full at the center with the rough housing kids to keep up with. Edward going all uniform police on the kid who was fighting is going to put Bella and Edward head to head.
BellaTesoro chapter 3 . 9/24/2019
I can see how Edward would think he might not fit into Bella's Christian world. It was a good start for him to share with Bella some of his backstory and that he has baggage that Bella should not want in her life. He's honorable that's for sure.
BellaTesoro chapter 2 . 9/24/2019
I love this Bella so far. I so appreciate the diversity in this story and how it's part of the plot line. Bella's family and she sound very God faring and good. Enter Edward a policeman. Wonder how he will fit into Bella's very planned out life will go.
BellaTesoro chapter 1 . 9/24/2019
I'm happy I found this and that you've kept this story here after all these years. Preface sounds interesting, like Bella is trying to face an attacker?
Dedicated follower chapter 1 . 10/17/2018
Fabulous story! Grip;uni from start to finish. Thank you!
boopgirl chapter 40 . 4/1/2018
Loved it
Guest chapter 2 . 1/28/2018
Guest chapter 1 . 1/5/2018
“You’re a mutt. All mutts are beautiful.”

“I personally thank my African American and European ancestors for a mixture that is tolerable.”

"I owe that to my mother, her ambiguous ethnic background, and great shampoo. Alice likes to call us beautiful mutts."

"Leave it to Alice to say something so utterly inappropriate, yet somehow endearing."

This story is so degrading to biracial and black women. To call them mutts? How fucking disgusting. Would you think it was endearing if a man were to call them mutts? It’s bother racist and sexist to compare women to animas!

I’m guessing you are either a white women who wanted to make sure her character wasn’t “that black” or a biracial women who feels they are superior to darker women with Afro hair because of all your references to her “tolerable” hair, “light caramel” colored skin, and “ambiguous ancestry.” But then again, I’ve never known a biracial women to call herself a mutt! Wtf!
Guest chapter 17 . 1/5/2018
“You’re a mutt. All mutts are beautiful.”

“I personally thank my African American and European ancestors for a mixture that is tolerable.”

"I owe that to my mother, her ambiguous ethnic background, and great shampoo. Alice likes to call us beautiful mutts."

"Leave it to Alice to say something so utterly inappropriate, yet somehow endearing."

This story is so degrading to biracial and black women. To call them mutts? How fucking disgusting. Would you think it was endearing if a man were to call them mutts? It’s bother racist and sexist to compare women to animas!

I’m guessing you are either a white women who wanted to make sure her character wasn’t “that black” or a biracial women who feels they are superior to darker women with Afro hair because of all your references to her “tolerable” hair, “light caramel” colored skin, and “ambiguous ancestry.” But then again, I’ve never known a biracial women to call herself a mutt! Wtf!

I wanted to like this story but these descriptions are offensive.
Guest chapter 3 . 12/30/2017
Not a fan of this Alice. She’s obnoxious. She knows how important it is for Bella, but she’s still pestering her about giving Edward her VCard.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/30/2017
Alice calling her a mutt is so offensive. It’s degrading to call bi/multiracial people mutts!
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