Reviews for Carnival Days
inuyashamunkey chapter 5 . 6/13/2016
aww cute ending i like it.
softdreamer chapter 5 . 12/21/2012
I reallly liked it :)
especially how you did not make them have their first kiss in front of everyone and it was funny how they discovered their stalkers
Mukuro234 chapter 5 . 5/21/2012
Hehe I really liked it
LunaWalker chapter 5 . 3/20/2012
flygon3300 chapter 5 . 2/28/2012
lol you guys intruding in their love life

awesome story XD loved it~
flygon3300 chapter 4 . 2/28/2012
tyki you little pedophile :D
flygon3300 chapter 3 . 2/28/2012
lol mana

and tyki, really bad approach lol
flygon3300 chapter 2 . 2/28/2012
komui, baklenalee,fou, lou fa\



the most awkward stalking situation lol
moniqe007 chapter 5 . 2/16/2012
I like it:D
Kiyutsuna chapter 5 . 12/12/2011
OMG I just wanna say how much I adore this story!

it's amazing how realistic you made their day look, with little blunders and awkwardness instead of a "perfect date" from -quote- "trashy romance novels" XD

Their personalities are perfectly portrayed too!

I love how each of the little groups stalking the pair had their cameos P

InsanityKiryuuxD chapter 5 . 12/1/2011
it has literally taken me all week to read this i kept leaving my laptop on and open cuz I dare not risk the chance that the window could close! xD

First Laven fic I've even read. (recently gave into the temptation of readin -man...a few doujins later and Laven is my new obsession)

Anyway, this was sooooo amazing! Terrific! I laughed histerically all the way through and even blushed a bit at parts. Ha! Truely great! :D Super funny and super cute~! I love it :D
Beekeeper's Daughter chapter 5 . 11/27/2011
This story was adorable! Allen and Lavi were so nervous, I loved every bit! The end had to be my favorite part, what with all the exposed stalkers and corny phrases. There's just something about perfect fairy tale endings that gets boring, and I love how you described the kiss, much more realistic than your average ending.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that this felt much more real than any other story I've read, and it was great!
WolfLovesFood chapter 5 . 11/25/2011
I loved it. :)

I've got a big goofy grin on my face, don't I?

And there was something- oh yeah, yeah, I'm interested! Go for it!
Ruyumi chapter 5 . 11/19/2011
I don't normally write reviews, because well, I'm what you call "Terrible" at them. Now, not to sound overly cheesy or at all like a suck up, this is probably the best fanfic I have ever read. You can probably take that in more ways than one, either your fanfic is more amazing than the invention of ice cream, or I really don't read much fanficition. Though if you suspect the latter, you'd be wrong. I've always been more of a Yullen fan, sue me. So in all honesty, I wasn't intending to read this. A million times thankful that I did. The way you wrote it was absolutely amazing. The characters were so in character, that even their creator would probably think twice about making this pairing cannon. Not once did I sit here and think "that would never happen", though the point of a fanfic is that it actually wouldn't. I love how Allen didn't come across as a little girl, at all. Often, people show him being small, cute, and rather pathetic. Which only makes me think that their trying to resort back to traditional gender rolls, but both characters came across as being equal, and /male/. Hah, having to say that they both seem like their intended gender may sound stupid, but Allen really is shown more like a girl a lot of the time.

Nothing in the story really seemed forced, everything came across in a more natural flow, which I loved.

You really made me feel emotion while reading this, often reflecting that of the characters. When the situation was awkward, I felt awkward, when it was humorous, I would often laugh, outwardly too. And when things worked out, I couldn't help but go "Awww" like a creepy fangirl.

The ending was amazing as well, leaving me feeling satisfied, but still wanting more. It really couldn't have ended better.

Well if you are even still reading this wall-of-text of a review, I guess all I'm trying to say is that I loved it. I enjoyed reading it so much, that I really couldn't thank you more for writing it! I guess I could have made this review a lot shorter, summing it up with a simple "amazing!" or "Loved it!" or maybe even "Cute! _", but that really didn't quite do it for me. But any who:

kh07gl chapter 5 . 11/19/2011
LOL! jut sometime ago i reviwed for an update and when i checked vola! it's already there! AWESOME! love the fic cant wait for ur next :)
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