Reviews for Hair
Rebecca chapter 1 . 1/16/2018
Holy shit I so love your take on her character, and this is beautifully written! I agree with you, she does remind me of Azula. I love them both!
dandeliondreams chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
You've captured something very fierce and primitive I never really saw hiding inside severe, contained Jane Farrar. Very well done. I adore crazy beautiful dangerous characters.
yellow 14 chapter 1 . 7/24/2011
I don't think she's there to be liked. Nicely done though, keep writing
maddythinks chapter 1 . 9/23/2010
you know i already reviewd this story.. but i LOVE it! i can never tire of reading it! its concept is so detailed. so wild n sexy. love it. please put up more jane farrar stuff. i am huge fan..and i think u do more than justice to the 'bitch farrar" ..ur amazing!
sliz225 chapter 1 . 9/19/2010
the beginning was good-the ending, kinda creepy. sorry.
archiveduser1836251 chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
I was never fond of her in the books, but here you've made me like her a little more. Never occurred to me, that she might after all be a werewolf - props to you for coming up with it. I loved the attention to detail. She seems so much more real here. More human, I guess, except...not. XD Great job!

inpeace chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
wow. that was awesome. reading this i think she could totally be a main character. or have her own set of books.

It made me breath really heavily and I just stared at the screen for a while after I read it. The sexual stuff wasn't all that did that to me. It's just such a big idea...

I'd like to make an illustration for this. would that be okay with you?

one criticism: the part at the end " And they would finally know that she was beautiful." for me that just brought it to the hole idea of female vanity (I'm not sexist! don't think that!). I would prefer it to all be about pour and strength. that's probably just me though...

thanks for writing this.
Queen of Dreaming chapter 1 . 4/4/2010
Wow. This is, um... interesting. I never really thought about Jane much, but the idea of her hiding this kind of savagery underneath her ladylike act is really interesting. And I like the mixture of savagery and sexuality at the end; it's a fascinating and brilliant device, and very well done. I don't know what else to say, except "good work".

Also, the Jane/Azula comparison is a smart one that I never would have noticed, and I really think you nailed them both with that one phrase "crazy beautiful dangerous".
Bialy chapter 1 . 3/14/2010
Jeez, I KNEW when I read the nine moments fic I had seen your name before. I read this before, but decided not to review, despite thinking it was completely and stomach-turningly brilliant, because I felt a little embarrassed about hating Jane Farrar. And I do, I think she is a vile character.

But I also think what you have done with her here is exemplary. I love the step-by-step process of this, I love the darkness and the shudders and the headiness and the combination of beauty and brute. I think it is incredibly clever, and very smoothly crafted. I can't believe how different this presentation of Jane is, and how much it seems to simply FIT. Almost as if - yes, of course, how could it possibly be anything else?

Just things like noting the changes in trends during the war are fantastic. Thank you for being such an incredible writer.
Novaya chapter 1 . 9/27/2009
I like Jane, i think azula is okay, but i once had a crush on ty lee.
When the Moon Met the Sun chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
I agree with you. Jane doesn't seem like a likeable person, but that might be because the book doesn't really take the time to develop her character a lot more.

Amazingly well-written, and I think that it makes Jane seem like a better least a tiny bit :)
TaiganB chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
I have to say that this is perhaps the strangest fanfic I've ever read. I certainly won't forget it. But I mean this in a good way! In fact, if you were to write more, I'd definitely read it. It's interesting and from a point of view I've never seriously considered before. Great Work.

Keep writing!
The Broken Pentacle chapter 1 . 8/20/2009
Uh huh. Now, I read the summary and was like Okay, WTF?

So I read it. It was Okay at first but at the end...

WHAT THE F-. That's just plain sick.
emeralddarkness chapter 1 . 8/12/2009
This is quite unique and very intriguing. I never thought of any of this but somehow it seems possible, which is great. It's a nice character study and rather thought provoking - nice read.
conception.creation chapter 1 . 8/4/2009
Wow, very well written. I think I gained a small measure of respect for Farrar just by reading this!
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