Reviews for That Dream that you Chased
Dinkleberggg chapter 31 . 7/19/2017
Hey, I know it's a longshot since it has been years since this has been updating, but it would be cool if you finished this. I remember reading this since you started posting. It was probably one of my first fanfics when I was younger.
bagofpopcorn chapter 31 . 12/12/2013
I hope you're doing well and that you're feeling better now.
IdolDigidestined chapter 31 . 12/30/2012
I have re read this story so many time. If you really want to counting typing this easy. This is a fan FICTION so make a cure for cancer this may not work but my friend had to type an story on cancer but her mom died from it. She told the teacher and she she typed a story about finding a cure you could have them find a cure and cure him in your story. You could also find away with this story get past your sadness a know one day we will find a cure. Don't cry be happy. If you still feel down go listen to "PON PON PON" please. PS I don't go to church but I find it highly unlikely some one related to you would go to hell. I can tell that you truly mean good. Just your typing told me that. (ω)
twilighttimefan chapter 31 . 8/1/2012
I'm sorry for your loss my grandmother died of cancer as well a few years ago and she was like a second mother to me. I understand that this topic must b hard for u just kno that the readers who truly want u to keep writing like me understand that u need time to heal before you can write an awesome story :)
Roxann3 chapter 31 . 7/19/2012
Omgawdshhh where in the heck was I the last few updates! I know I was reading this and I could've swore I followed it! Oh well, I'll make sure I do this time! Followed & Fav'd!
emmiez chapter 11 . 7/8/2012
i'm actually going to try the condom and shaving cream lol borrow some from my best friend's bf get my shaving cream and go around town :)
CreeepyFangirl chapter 13 . 7/2/2012
First off, I love this fic! It has caused me to fall out of my chair laughing more than once! And, forgive me if I sound rude or if I offend you, but are Ariel and Eric's kids from Barbie and the Diamond Castle? Again, I just wanna say how much I love this fic in general!
Guest chapter 31 . 7/1/2012
Though this may be an anoymous review (I can't spell so...) I really want to say I understand your reasoning. I am thankful you posted this not because 1.) I didn't know about your story until you posted it 2.) People now know why you're taking so long (Which is a respectable reason) 3.) Ever list needs a three! So I wanted to say that I am in L-O-V-E with your story and also that you should already have like a 1000 reviews because you story has such a great plot and story devolpment that it seriously draws me in. I also really love how you portray the characters. The only complaint I have is the fight Sora and Riku got into cause they're my ABSOLUTE FAVE PAIRING besides AkuRoku and stuff. Really quick I'm going to say that I love your story and liked the FaceBook page for this story and I'm about to check out the other stories you have written. Peace! 3
yellowninja22 chapter 31 . 6/22/2012
Wow. That's probably my best description for this story. It's so well written and just flows so well. I normally dont review stories due to my crappy Nook. Im not sure if you know what that is, but it's like a crappier iPad that is a touchscreen only on a tiny portion of the bottom. It's really annoying to type on and if you make a mistake, it's hard to fix. Anyways, I love this story and cant wait for the next chapter . I'm sorry about the loss of your grandfather. I know how you feel, as I have lost multiple family members due to cancer. Good luck with college!
QuinntheEskimo chapter 31 . 6/3/2012
Wow... that's a rough thing to go through. My dad died of cancer, so I can completely understand. Losing someone you love to disease is one of the hardest things to live through. And im not gonna tell you that the pain goes away, because it never truly does. But it does get easier to bear. You just have to keep going, ad remember the good times.

On a different note, I'm very glad to see that this story is back! Its a great story, and I'm very excited to see more! Keep up the great work!
Waga chapter 31 . 5/25/2012
I'm very sorry to hear about your grandfather, and I hope you have it much better now. And even though you haven't given us a new chapter for a long time, it doesn't matter as long as you have found the spirit to continue.

Hope to see a new lovely and smexy chapter soon 8D chapter 31 . 5/21/2012
I'm sorry about your grandfather D:

You shouldn't push yourself to update, just do it when you feel better.
kitty-luvs-noms chapter 31 . 5/20/2012
Im so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Take all the time you need. Im glad to hear you havent abandoned the story.
Roanam chapter 31 . 5/20/2012
I'm sorry for pushing you to write more. I understand that it's a sensitive subject. I'm sorry for your loss. :c
Axel-Got it Memorized chapter 31 . 5/20/2012
I hope you can feel better. I know what it means to loose a grandfather, although cancer is not something I've had to deal with. Im sorry for you loss.

A fan of your work
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