Reviews for The Effects of Cutting Azuma's Hair
Yira chapter 1 . 1/19/2016
Good story... I loved it. So in character.
Me thinks... On azuma POV what actually happened yesterday...
Azuma went to his regular affluent unisex salon to get the hair grooming done
where while perusing some music notes,
a naughty mini-azuma obocchama stuck gum near to his nape length tresses behind his back
as he was hunching his shoulders to write something on the margins when he was listening to the music's orchestral oboe performance on his iPod and comparing the sheet music notes to the artist's tempo and interpretation..
He didn't notice the damage till it was too late to salvage his hard grown rebellious-length tresses his grandmother always wanted trimmed.
When while he was smoothing a lock of hair he felt some sticky strange substance between the previously smooth strands.. And a smirking 8 year old, his mind pointed, was the culprit of the fiasco.
And the entire saloon looked at him with something akin to sympathy for his loss as well as a few gave him condolences and reassurances on recouping the lost growth in no time
meanwhile the child's mother, an elegent looking dame, profusely apologized upon seeing the victim of her brat's mischief,
asking what she could offer in apology, maybe with a little too much enthusiasm for the overture to be taken as anything remotely decent and asked to bill his hair treatment under her tab...

So yeah it was a pretty annoying day for him as he had to, with picture perfect grace accept the apology only looking mildly mournful while rebuffing the older woman's not so desirable overtures (because as Granny says 'you cannot disgrace the yunoki family name)..
Feeling completely chagrined inside at the insolent brat and his inability to not discipline him as he wished to, like he could a certain redhead he knew... And ask his stylist to do what he can to retain the length, which was next to nothing, and if not then make into a presentable cut, bidding off the mother-son annoying duo away from his perimeter of awareness.
but Hino doesn't need to know all that..
So the idea of her first of all not recognizing him and then promptly fleeing was an easy amusement..
Her erupting on his nonchalant attitude to the haircut another bonus
Her desire to caress his lost tresses a welcome discovery
And not letting her touch them in the end of their teasing session, a pleasurable reverse-schadenfreude. Let her caress them sometime later when they are long enough, he thinks.
On the side note, stupid hihara, having no sense of courtesy or timing.

~So yeah this my imaginings of what led to this..
CherryFlamingo chapter 1 . 11/16/2014
I'm beginning to really hate Hihara! Grr... This is probably the fifth fan fiction I've read that involves Hihara ruining a good moment! ."""
AliceCullen282 chapter 1 . 3/4/2012
Cute! But I kinda feel sorry for Kahoko...she didn't get to touch his hair...I would die just to touch his hair... :)
Eru no Tsubasa chapter 1 . 12/29/2011
Azuma's hair! I'm surprised his fangirl didn't all commit mass suicide on the spot! XD
YeahYouWannaKnowMyName chapter 1 . 5/18/2011
Poor, Poor Kahoko... lmao! Too cute. I mean, I don't really think that is what you were going for, but that's just how I see it :D

Shadow Kitsune67 chapter 1 . 6/14/2010
Aww poor Kaho, she didn't get to touch his hairrr :C
yohkohino chapter 1 . 8/19/2009
This was pretty good. Very interesting. Lol. Yunoki with short hair. Half way I was thinking that something happened and he had to cut it or something.
Doc Blue chapter 1 . 7/29/2009
Lol, what did his haircut look like?
Hand Over the Bishies chapter 1 . 7/13/2009
ehehehe this was amusing to say the least :D

good job! :D
mdthegreat chapter 1 . 6/21/2009
that was one funny fanfic!i was just thinking about that idea yesterday!yunoki with short hair?hilarious!i was planning on making a fanfic of it in comedy...but i got lazy again...well anyway...i loved it i absolutely adore it!
Cryptic Parchment chapter 1 . 6/18/2009
hehehe lols I loved it! It was hilarious!
Kaioma chapter 1 . 6/10/2009
OMG that was a one shot? NU XDD Anywho you rock my computer chair (OMFG NEW!), my supper (yay roast!) and my hair (I cut eight inches off of it...O_O)
sagittariusleo chapter 1 . 6/10/2009
well, I think it's an interesting idea even though I also love Yunoki's long hair. Yeah, I really love guys with beautiful long hair.

Just one detail: I think Kahoko practices playing violin because she loves music and the violin,therefore, she wants to improve. She also admires and somewhat envies Len for his skill. So I don't think she's practising to impress him or prove that she has the ability to compete with him. She simply wants to be better.
The Misty Forest chapter 1 . 6/10/2009
oh wow! XD really interesting.. makes me want to draw a short-haired Yunoki now X3

Please, please update :D
Etsuko An chapter 1 . 6/9/2009
Lol, this was amusing! Poor Yunoki... "You, only like my hair?" XD
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