Reviews for Muse
mercilessslayer chapter 1 . 7/5/2016
it's so sad ! :'( but i like the story, i would like it more if they ended up happy together
PunkInuzuka chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
1. It's kinda sad? I'm not one for sad fics but the way you ended it! Hoo! Hoo boy! Wow! I love it. It was awesome.
floating on clouds above chapter 1 . 8/11/2014
Lovely. I'm wondering if there will be a sequel? :)
BellaPerea chapter 1 . 6/8/2011
What a great story! I love the way you mixed in the supernatural with normalcy. I love your writing style and everything. Looking forward to checking your other stories! In fact, I have like, TEN of them open right now. Sorry if I start flooding your email. ;;


Westward Rambler chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
That was so good!
Wing Love chapter 1 . 8/7/2009
Wow! That was really interesting. Sakura was OOC, but not enough that it took away from my enjoyment of the story. I liked the mystery surrounding her, and even Kiba to some extent. What was her reason for picking him? Was Kiba special? You don't elaborate on the fact that something just 'clicked' for Sakura in regard to her choosing Kiba; less is more I suppose, and muses come and go as is their nature. I liked the pacing as well - it went quickly, but didn't feel rushed. I thought your writing flowed nicely; it was kept simple yet still deep.

Overall, nice work! _
cast14 chapter 1 . 6/22/2009
great story i loved it
Somebody that loves your stori chapter 1 . 6/18/2009
hey. I really don't know what to say. All the fanfiction I read was just not good enough, just made by a random person, who can't really write stories. I'm not a good author myself. I can't really make the stories good enough for my taste. So I just write. And now you come out of nowhere, hit me like a truck, and leave. So I just wanted to say that what you write is...amazing. I don't know a word to say what your stories are like. And this one... Well I ...I don't know. It made me kinda sad, melancholic, nostalgic. I usually don't feel like that. So... I would like a request to make. I don't know if you would like to do this, but I'd be really grateful if you do. I'd like to ask if you would like to write a story for me. Some fanfic, but like the one called 'Muse'. I'd really appreciate it. You have no idea how happy I would be. So if you can, PM me - I'm TryToScream on here. Please I don't want to pry but I ask you again. Keep up with the best work!

Hiei's Cute Girl chapter 1 . 6/16/2009
Sasuke and Naruto, obviously... though I can't really see them as arsty type of guys. XD

Poor Kiba, left all alone to fend for himself as Sakura moves on. I liked the quote you used at the beginning, it's well placed and very cool. In plain terms, I really liked it, even though I've never heard of it before.

You're not going to add anything to this, are you? Oh, well. I LOVED IT!
Delicate Desires chapter 1 . 6/14/2009
Awh! So adorable! I loved the fic. (:
copycat-capycot chapter 1 . 5/27/2009
Oh lawd. I think I fell in love with the idea of Sakura being a muse. It's so-so out there and completely unique. Really cool plot, it all flowed pretty smoothly.

And the ending was really nice-kind of leaves something unsaid but there are implications that can be taken in a variety of different ways.

Love your story. :D
BlackMage16 chapter 1 . 5/22/2009
I really enjoyed that piece. The portrayl of Kiba and Sakura was just beautiful and the tone of the whole piece was really heartfelt.

Well done.
RedMapleLeaf chapter 1 . 5/21/2009
different, beautiful and breathtaking. kiba is who he is and sakura is magical. delicious
Annie Sparklecakes chapter 1 . 5/20/2009
Wow. Just, wow. This was such an interesting piece, and the dialogue was so perfect, and Sakura, oh my God, I loved your Sakura. The writing was absolutely excellent, and the entire tone of this piece was just beautiful. You're really talented.

Thank you so, so much!
inu-babygirl chapter 1 . 5/16/2009
aw i liked it i was to the point i went all musshy and then wanted to cry hehehheehheh i luvd it althought alittle sad at the ending but u let us imagine wat would be the outcome at the end luved it INu