Reviews for Untitled
ILoveReadingAndWriting chapter 1 . 5/8/2009
NO! You must write another chapter on this! PLEASE!

littleSinsandSadlines chapter 1 . 5/8/2009
REALLY GOOD! i love it... but im really sad that you're angry and hurt! i say we should make a club.
retrogradation chapter 1 . 5/8/2009
Aww..this is so sad.. ): Poor Libby, I want to go and shake some sense out of Anthony haha. Are you going to continue this? :D

Please tell me you'll continue! (puppy dog eyes) I'm loving where this story is going.


And don't let those mean no lives get you down, everybody has a life and it doesn't just revolve around updating fanfiction. We are still here for you :)
My.Edward.Anthony chapter 1 . 5/8/2009
Oh My Gosh, i think im crying, wait yes tahts a teardrop. That story was amazing, and im so sorry for anything thats upset you. I hope you get better soon, and if anybody does complain about you not updatign, just inform me and il personally torture them myself.

Take care.
Zoey Redbird chapter 1 . 5/7/2009
Girl if your feeling this way I guess the only thing I can say is I've been in yourposition like no one is ever gonna feel more than a friend towards you. You wanna talk I'll totally give you my msn. And don't worry cause even guys like mr Cullen make mistakes you just gotta find the one LOL now I will stop talking awesome writing btw
briiittx xhc chapter 1 . 5/7/2009

Ani this was amazing.

It reminds me of me in alot of ways.

Just truly amazing.
