Reviews for Taking the Risk
Guest chapter 1 . 1/12/2013
This was one of the best fics EVER! I love it!
Anime Lady PIMP chapter 1 . 11/12/2011
33333333333 I really love Aoko/Kaito fiction!
windmelody chapter 1 . 12/5/2009
I love it :)
YumeTakato chapter 1 . 5/13/2009
Awe. X3 Yeah, I loved this bunches.
Ningen Demonai chapter 1 . 5/13/2009
*FLAIL!* Oman, you never cease to make me happy with your amazing Kaito x Aoko stories. They're so abominably cute and full of hilarious shenanigans and you portray it so well. Thank you for writing this fic!
s2lou chapter 1 . 5/7/2009
*seconds Chocolaty Taste's remark* —I do love this. Most dearly. I can't even count the number of times I read it since I saw it on yesterday xD (delay in reviewing was mostly due to finals and a connection that went down, btw. Thankfully I'd saved this.)

It's a monster alright. I didn't expect anything this long " But it was wonderful, and fun, and fluffy, and hilarious at time and hey, is that a Watanuki mention and whoo what's that now and what is Aoko doing now what the hell. Pretty much my line of thought thorough xDD

Thankyou. I loved this, and I love you dearly, as well. I enjoy our correspondance loads too (isn't there an email of yours I haven't answered yet, by the way? *puzzled*) As for pulling you back in the fandom—heck, I was despairing of ever seeing anything of yours again at one time xDD I'm glad you're back, be it thanks to me or anything else.
66ButterflyOfDarkness99 chapter 1 . 5/7/2009
Okay first...*squeals* Then...OH MY GOD IT WAS SO GOOD! AWESOME! I LOVED IT! IT WAS DVKJDSBVDSNVSDJ DBFKSBFV KBVFKS! *squeals some more* And finally...I SO LOVE YOUR FICS! Like really, everytime I see you post a new KaitoxAoko fic my mind goes far into lalaland and fangirl mode takes its place...xD

And god you have to make an omake with Hakuba wearing those clothes...*smirks* Mmhh...maybe I could draw it myself...*grins evilly* *plotsplotsplots* 3

*pops in much deserved cookies*
Eleven Clovers chapter 1 . 5/7/2009
*squeals like the fangirl she is*

Wowowowow! I lurve monsters! *hugs monster*

This was so awesomely cute! Ah, so many pretty scenes I love. The beginning was particularly awesome, haha. I like that you didn't make their arguments overly melodramatic :)

Favourite bit is definitely the photoshoot XD Oh and when Kaito admits to flirting
Guest chapter 1 . 5/6/2009
wow great story! i really like ur fics of kaito and aoko :D hope u write more of these!]
katiesparks chapter 1 . 5/6/2009
Ah, amazing as always! This present beat mine by a long shot! *pouts* Everyone always gives better presents that me! Either way, it was lovely lovely! Can't wait till your next update (but I understand about finals, I've got to bring up my math grade before school ends or my dad will beat me in my brains~ XD)
Chocolaty Taste chapter 1 . 5/6/2009
I went from d'aw to lol to d'aw to lol to omg Aoko's PMS to d'aw and of course lol.

Sorry, that's the only way I can think of to put that xD.

Wonderful fic for my favorite couple! I really love how grown up they are in this fic! Well not "grown up" in age or in their little imature quipes but they're just simply "matured" :). Their attitude towards each other and obstacles is really refreshing, if it's Kaito and Aoko as we see them in canon, they probably would have been stupider LOL! Yet despite the fact that they're more mature and likable in this fic I can still tell that this is "Bakaito" and "Ahouko", their core personalities are still there. Lovely characterisation!

I really love the idea of Aoko following Kaito around, their interaction with each other are so sweet (fluffy goodness!). Yet I think the parts that I enjoy even more then the fluff is the parts where they argue and throw things at each other, it's great to read them as "best friends", in particular "best friends of opposite gender". I think you did an amazing job on that!

That part on Hakuba LOLOL! It's true isn't it? If he goes on a date with Aoko he'll probably just talk about Kaito xD. Though he IS a gentleman, so if Aoko didn't want to hear about Kaito then he probably would have stopped (who knows? lolol). I love the way you ended the fic on that.

Oh and the snogging, definately love the snogging.

Great work I'm sure S2lou-chan will love this x]
whitetigergp chapter 1 . 5/6/2009
Lovely, absolutely lovely. I would suggest going back over and editing some spelling errors though. XD
Candyland chapter 1 . 5/6/2009
akljs;lfjaldjf;j FYLI RETURNS TO US ;o; And so perfectly as well~ Te adoro, chere