Reviews for Hollow
Guest chapter 2 . 2/20/2013
this was amazing though i feel like there should be another chapter or a sequel for how things are left
SageEmpress chapter 2 . 7/7/2009
This story is beautiful! It really touched me on inside... I'm actually being to cry (on how good the story is and how I understand what Ulquiorra's going through in a sense.) Keep up the excellent work!
limepickles chapter 2 . 6/22/2009
Beautiful. Nice to see my favorite pairing done so well and worked in so closely to the canon. Ulquiorra got very expressive all of a sudden in that awesome final battle, and you made good use of it. Many other fics just plop some gushy emotions on him out of nowhere, but you worked up a great background to that explosion of rage (and jealousy). It's so unfair! Stupid Ichigo! The twist with Orihime attacking him as well just rubbed salt in the wound and made him all the more pitiable and sad. Seriously, awesome job.

To give some constructive criticism instead of just gushing, I thought you overdid the italics sometimes, mostly in chapter 1 and especially when you're picking out those individual words like "heart" for emphasis. Try reading your story over again with none of those italics and see if it still reads as strongly anyway. I bet you could do away with at least half of them - too many and the story seems weaker, like the important bits or meaningful themes can't stand alone without you pointing them out.
Lindz chapter 2 . 5/10/2009
ADD MORE TO IT! OMG this was AMAZING and I think u nailed wat could've gone on in Ulquiorra's head at the time. It was pro. BUT IT WAS SUCH A CLIFFY ENDING SO MUCH SUSPSENSION PLZ ADD MORE!
Lai Jun Chen chapter 2 . 5/7/2009
very well written. i think ulquiorra is very much in character. at the end of that chapter- where ulquiorra suddenly realizes what a heart is, and dies- i really wish kubo hadn't killed him off. so glad you decided not to!
D.S Gltich chapter 2 . 5/3/2009

I hated that part where emo-boy dies! He was one of my favs Espada besides Nel. Grr! Damn you Kubo! XD

love the fic by the way -thumbs up-
HimeChan25 chapter 2 . 4/8/2009
I love this pairing and I read the manga, so I really liked your version of recent events. Good Job.
xX The Fallen Interlude Xx chapter 2 . 4/7/2009
Another fantastic chapter! The emotion in this is so powerful. You did a good job choosing first person over third. With first person you get to know Ulquiorra better; his thoughts, his personality are made clearer, You get to understand him more. You really need to write another chapter!
xX The Fallen Interlude Xx chapter 1 . 4/7/2009
WOW! This is absolutely fantastic! It was beautifully written and the detail and thought you put into this fic was amazing! The beginning where you told us a little about Ulquiorra was interesting. The fact that you had him as a hollow who revolved around hatred and then change him into a calm, stoic espada was great. :) His past has always interested me. I really hope that Ulquiorra doesn't die in the manga. I'll be so disappoited :'( Once again great story )
Tia'RaHu chapter 2 . 4/7/2009
This - wow . . . this is beautiful in every regard. I wouldn't know where to begin praising you. All I can think of to say is, "Thank you for writing this. I enjoyed reading it tremendously. Please continue to write!"
LazyGC chapter 2 . 4/6/2009
It is interesting that you used 'hatred' and 'rage' as a focal point for Ulquiorra's character in the first part. I don't think many people portray him in that way- Ulquiorra always struck me as the embodiment of helplessness and despair, which you shift to in the second part... did you write these consecutively?

Anyway, depending upon what does happen in the next few chapters, I would like to see a continuation of this.

Also, I totally agree with you AN at the beginning of the second chapter. :P

There are a few spelling errors I spotted, but nothing that stood out.

Very enjoyable altogether. :)