Reviews for Not Okay
Thousandsmiles chapter 1 . 11/2/2016
This was good. And it's sad and its sweet, terribly profound.
Dark Scimitar chapter 1 . 7/1/2015
I love the way you laid this out. With each person trying to appear strong for another who's also having the same types of problems. It made it more powerful that way. Well done!
TrisakAminawn chapter 1 . 1/16/2012
That's really awesome. I mean, I barely know this franchise, but you have a very strong structure here and it made the emotion you were conveying /stronger/ instead of limiting it. Good beat, not just formula. The moment of surprise at the end when Miles finally broke the pattern was a lovely payoff all on its own, and I wanted to hug all the robots and humans as depicted by you.

Also the Fool as secret overlooker who understood all their hearts best, enough to hold anchor for the rest of the chain...I think you managed just the right degree of comfort without really proposing that anything could facilely be fixed. I also enjoyed the image of him watching them and being the best shot of the three and keeping it all secret, even though that was clearly the extreme point of the characterization. Heh.

Usually I critique more than this. But I don't feel like it.
ABundleOfDaydreams chapter 1 . 10/23/2011
Bibliotecaria.D chapter 1 . 8/26/2011
It’s an oddly poetic look at the mindsets of everyone, 413 days after Mission City—and they are not okay. And it's a little painful to read about them trying to hide it.
RogiRogue chapter 1 . 6/22/2011
I don't know why, but this fic made me cry. Not that it's sad, but no matter how raw and hurtful it may be, it could be the truth. After all, this is war.

In a way, Miles ended up with all the burden, or what? Awazing fic.
Polish chapter 1 . 6/21/2011
Im not crazy, Im just alittle unwell... -Rob Thomas, Matchbox Twenty- It kind of fits really, and you write some of the most AWESOMELY awe inspiring works, I love them!
Ceris Malfoy chapter 1 . 3/28/2010
Wow. Just wow. I'm really surprised this hasn't received more feedback - it's well written and very, very moving. I love your take on Optimus and Mile in particular.
CosmicEssence chapter 1 . 3/23/2010
Geesus Miles is probably the most 'sane' or well the better 'survivor'. But really they're allnot as bad as they think considering they all are doing and thinking that they are. Still somewhat depressing though. Miles was of course the uplift and seeing them all as angels and well yeah his pov was the best mostly because it felt the most honest and most sturdy of the lot.
Classical-Storyteller chapter 1 . 2/2/2010
This is one of my favorite stories out there. I read it quite a while ago on a different site (livejournal I believe) and fell in love then and just rereading it now on has me praising it again. I especially love Miles view in the end.

This is an amazingly well written and thought out oneshot that will forever be in my favorites and saved on my computer.
Soului chapter 1 . 10/28/2009
I just have to say that this way absolutely brilliantly written. I loved how you added continutiy between the character blurbs. The repitition of the last few paragraphs added flow and sophistication and just tied the entire thing together.

Speaking as an Arts major, I think this might be one of the best one-shots I have ever read. Well done.
Harm Marie chapter 1 . 9/14/2009
Very well written. I loved it.
Sonic Serendipity chapter 1 . 8/31/2009
Huh. This was pretty freaking awesome, really.
Jaded Jagged chapter 1 . 8/28/2009
so sad good story
mremre chapter 1 . 7/18/2009
This is FREAKING BRILLIANT. The repetition and shifting worked perfectly, and I did not see the Miles coming at all. Lovely stuff.
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