Reviews for A Christmas Carol
Gokuu the Carrot chapter 1 . 9/16/2019
This is what you call majestic, lol.
ShadAmy1Fan - Shylah McVey chapter 1 . 6/25/2018
I died. P
Arctic-Starflowers chapter 1 . 12/3/2015
TheBigCat chapter 1 . 7/2/2015
I giggled way too hard through all of this. My friend convinced me to read it, and I am so glad that she did. 10 of of 10!
C W Sherman chapter 1 . 9/3/2014
Hm...that is an interesting take on the 12 days of Christmas, and somehow it all makes a psychotic kind of sense...although I'm lost on the maids-a-milking...
You Can Call Me Nora chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
Oh... ohh... I'm hurting from snickering too loudly. That was funny.

I wasn't gonna read this originally (was gonna read ANOTHER of your awesome fics!) but as soon as you mentioned Sonic's sanity being thrown out the window, I couldn't resist. :3

Very nice translation of the poem. But even though you cheaped out and only gave us one (wannabe) lord a-leaping, you more than made up for it with the Lord of the Rings Fellowship. (Or "cult", as Sonic put it. LOL!) Nice diary format, too. And Sonic's personality and reactions were brilliant! Very nice!

...There is certainly a lot of alcohol in this poem, isn't there? I don't think anyone seems to mind though. (except for Sonic's neighbors...)

And Chris, Big and Froggy dead counts as nine pipers piping, does it? (looked it up on google, totally don't know the whole song by heart.) Eh, whatever. Not gonna complain about that at all. Especially with Froggy's demise. SUCKAH!

...At least Tails didn't die. Thank you for controlling that urge.


ouranhost8 chapter 1 . 3/5/2011
my sides are killing me can't-stop-laughing...

takes beep breath owowowowowow my sides...

VioletTheChao chapter 1 . 7/11/2010
Oh, man. Can you say Funniest Christmas Story EVER? I lost it at "Five Golden Rings." Too funny! You never fail to impress me.
MarkOfAlitheia chapter 1 . 6/3/2010
*gasp*!Yeah...*giggle* Loved your*snort* story! I tried to read it out to my brother, and had to pause a couple of times to breath from laughing so hard! I actually cried, which doesn't happen very often...Happy writing! _
janiemanie1993 chapter 1 . 2/4/2010
it took me awhile to realize you were talking about the lord of the rings. but that was funny! you need to update the other story.. uh it was a story about shadow trying to find a gift for sonic? ya, that one was funny too!
Midnight Starfall chapter 1 . 1/2/2010
...intrestingly hilarious! Laughed till I cryed! Loved it anyway! Greatstory! I'd really like to see what you'll do for tragedy, it being my favourite genre.
ZombieBlinky chapter 1 . 6/15/2009
1/4/09 the best present ever.
The Pen Vs The Sword chapter 1 . 4/16/2009
Sword: Hahahahahaha! That was awesome!

Pen: Yes, quite. Now can I get a hit of whatever the wizard has?

Sword: Drugs are bad for you.

Pen: Oh shut it.
cappncraig chapter 1 . 3/12/2009
You had me laughing from beginning to end, and "four talking turds"

is gonna keep me laughing till next Christmas XD
Ember Rock chapter 1 . 2/14/2009
Sorry for being away for so long! I was on a long Xmas/New Year's vacation, came back about two weeks ago. This review would have been up much earlier, but you might have heard about the bushfires around where I live and I haven't really had the heart to do much reading.

But hey, at least I have this lovely little pile of new chapters to read!

From like the FIRST sentence of this fic, I was laughing. Your humour NEVER gets old! I just couldn't believe the stuff you came up with! I couldn't guess what was coming up next either, no matter how well I knew the song. The LotR references were priceless!

Sonic's reactions were perfectly in character too - half the humour came from his comments. So congratulations on managing to make this funny AND in character, on having random humour that isn't actually all that random, and having a nice witty ending to wrap it all up. Skill, thy name is Taranea.

I'm amazed at how you managed to come up with so many gags and ideas to stuff in here - this was a great read, short, sweet, and highly entertaining. At this rate, x-mas '09 is going to be something to look forward to!
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