Reviews for Story Time
plattytehpwn chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
What's an absolute monarchy? Nice story, you epitomized the commonly accepted views of the characters.
unafraid chapter 1 . 3/23/2012
Dark and funny.
tenken22 chapter 1 . 1/13/2010
Now THAT'S a story! I am so reading this to my little ones someday... If I could even bother to begin explaining Pokemon first!

How is it that we never tire of Ash no matter how much of a clueless (village!) idiot he is?
haru-teri22 chapter 1 . 11/22/2009

that was pretty funny :D

good job !
FTEcho 4 chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
Finally. A story of yours I don't like. Okay, it felt overdone. The idea was solid, but I felt that the execution was lacking. It was obviously supposed to be over-the-top, but I thought it went WAY over the top, too far over. You broke the fourth wall like it was made of popsicle sticks and air, you parodied so much that I would actually lose track of the plot in it, everything was too much. Thank god, I was worried that your stories were all just the best thing since robots, but you actually aren't perfect! I was beginning to think that you were, like, the Deep Blue of writing Pokemon fanfics, since even the stories you said were crap were good. Whew. Good to know you're human. Anyway, the story was still good, definitely better than most of the other crap on this site, but not very good, I thought. You know what sucks though? I've almost read all of your published work! Super Sad-Face! Oh, and I'm almost done with my first chapter of "Spirit of Youth." And I forgot Togepi! The whole time, I wrote, and I got almost to the end and realized that I had neglected her from the start! So I have to go back and put her in where she should be. Boo. Oh well. That was a bit off-track. Blah blah, still a fan, blah blah. You know the drill.
Shorty512 chapter 1 . 6/16/2009

I love this story!

It was well written, funny, and over all just wonderful! There were a couple of grammar mistakes but other than that it was flawless!

I love how you pointed out the flaws in medieval stories like how they didn't kiss or how everyone smelt and looked terrible!

Keep up the writing!

Account Remove chapter 1 . 12/30/2008
Is this really Advanceshipping? Since I know I enjoyed the misadventures of Misty the Great and the village idiot more. :P But of course it's Advancehsipping, I like Misty too much to do that to her in this universe.

So Natty tells Max a bedtime story...

“No, no, that’s fine,” She grinned nervously at the boy, and he grinned back, both revealing yellow and rotting teeth. They didn’t have toothbrushes in the Middle Ages, or soap, or acne medication. So everyone smelled disgusting, had bad teeth, zits and other disgusting hygienic deficiencies. The village idiot and the princess were no different, and the whole town smelled like urine, pigs, and cows that would make a modern day person’s stomach turn.

Max rolled his eyes. “Oh, but they had contractions and ketchup back then? Talk about plot holes.”

“Hey, do you want a bed time story or should I go back down and watch hormone ridden teenagers suck face until I upchuck?”

Alright, so they were both hot. No acne, they smelled like roses and had beautiful poetic color sounding eyes. And they fell in love at first sight, basing their decision off the other’s physical appearance instead of dating and falling madly in love for each other’s personality. How unshallow and romantic, unthinking, unquestioning followers of clichés. The town was gorgeous too. It smelled like a chocolate factory.

That... That... That is one of the funniest things. I know I crack up everytime I read it. It's just so true. XDXDXD

The fourth wall breaking... Ash isn't romantic darn it! That's Drew's job, not Ash's. And he could never ever compose poetry for a girl the way I've seen him do in fics.

May should kick butt! She's not some wuss. Why do people keep doing that to her?

Coughs, excuse me, but I just go into the rant, anyway...

The future father in law, and his axe. XDXDXD

Pfft who likes a Mary Sue?

Of course they like witches Ash. They do it... They just do it Salem style.

Eat at Joe's. XD

Muffins? :P

Sings "It's the inquisition..." *shot*

It's Misty the ter- *she glares* Misty the Great.

You know pairing up kids does make us look like weirdos doesn't it?

I've read those fics Misty. *sighs*

The Eldershipping. XDXDXD

“This is not an acceptable children’s story,”

No, it's not May.

Sorry Misty the middle ages did not have post cards ;) (not like it's mattered since they keep forgetting the it's the middle ages anyway.)

He's dumber than Psyduck! They are more entertaining too *gets bricked by Misty*

Why does he have short term memory loss? (Delia dropped him as a baby when Oak showed up one day?)

I love post Renaissance. The wars were awesome. I'd rather read about the Spanish Armada than medieval feudal raids.

Their conversation, that's another one of my favorite parts. XD

He drove her to drinking. XD

“When they made it, they had you in mind The girl who left you here is quite loud. I heard her screaming last night. In fact, as I was hunting, I saw her chugging a flask, running through the fields naked, and once she finished chugging she tossed it aside and screamed about how damnable these alternate universe are. Which after only a day or two in one I must concur with her sentiment. I ate a Mary Sure just this morning, and that’s all there is to eat around here.”

That is my third favorite part of this fic, XDXDXD

Whip it good! Yes, you can whip it! Whip it! *shot again*

Misty killed the Salamence, that figures,

Misty and the babies. XD They're way better than certain eggs though. Those things are evil.

So she attacked elsewhere huh? XD

And they lived happily ever after. Perfect ending. That was one of the funniest parodies I've ever read, great job.
Tomoyo Kinomoto chapter 1 . 10/29/2008
I forget, who's Natty?

I freaked when I saw the title of this story in the alert! I swear my heart missed a beat! See, there's this REALLY creepy story called "Story Time" and it's kinda scary, but more so because I keep on running into people from the main characters' families in real life, eventhough the story is fiction. *shudders* You scared me for a minute! *laugh* Then I read the summary.

This is really funny! I like it a lot! You sometimes mistype words (like Ash instead of as), though. Thanks for another great oneshot!
Razorfiend chapter 1 . 10/28/2008
Whoa, that was fantastically well written. Not to mention funny and informative. xD

Great job!

*hands you magic cookie*
KittyScarlet chapter 1 . 10/23/2008
HAHA! cute, the ending is nice, to bad i can't finish my stories fro crap! lulz
t-214261asd chapter 1 . 10/20/2008
at first, when i read the name Natty, i racked my brain of any of the characters from the show that didn't have that name, and then half way through the introduction, i realized that it was you - hehehe, my bad!

ANOTHER PARALLEL! In unnerved, gyrados also ate a seal ] Damn, they just seem to be popping up all over the place!

By the way, that was hilarious that story! Hehehe, i loved all the jabs at them, and the exaggerations of their characters ]

Job well done!
rubyminuszero chapter 1 . 10/20/2008
What's odd is that I actually knew about Albert Einstein's "disability," The Life of Pi, and all those damned events that happened in the future... Odd... It seems that you kept pressing C instead of X, so instead of Max, you wrote Mac... Watch out for that... This parody was excellent, though... Fornicating...? I hardly know ANYBODY who uses that word...

And now I vanish into the blackness from whence I came...
Selene Remedi chapter 1 . 10/20/2008
1) I spent some time reading this, and it was time well spent.
Siran 774 chapter 1 . 10/19/2008
Half way through, I finally realized how brilliantly hillarious this story is. Nice, I'll have to take a look at your other stories a bit later.
Super Reader chapter 1 . 10/19/2008
Ok, let me start by saying that this is the FIRST May/Ash I've ever read. You're the only person to get me read poems and a May/Ash. :D

On another note, I thought this was really good. It was so funny. There were parts where I was just laughing out loud. Nice job.

Now I have a question. You said you liked all the characters. Can you explain to me one thing? Why do so many people hate Max?
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