Reviews for Like A Dragon
MaraudersForLife chapter 4 . 6/17/2017
It's a short but a really cute story!
yasy chapter 4 . 9/11/2009
ooh!i liked tht story
Dark Goddess of Chaos chapter 4 . 5/15/2009
aww this was soo cute! lol loved it :)
HeavilyBrokenSpirit chapter 4 . 12/6/2008
I love this fic.. i've read it an came to the conclusion that its going on my favorites..

I love how Draco just decides to make her his girlfriend in the last chapter and in this chapter he post his picture that she drew in the daily profit..

Its so cute!

Great job on the story! :D
HeavilyBrokenSpirit chapter 2 . 12/6/2008
Awe... how cute!

I like the ending of the chapter! Hehe they snog~


Great fic... I like it.
Nimph chapter 4 . 11/26/2008
This fic is very sweet and very "canon" in the D/G universe, if you know what I mean. Very true to the ship's spirit!

I am raeding the fics in Rowan-Greenleaf's challenge and your was definitely a good start. I especiallyliked that he drew him *smiling* and that, for once, it's him tricking her.
The Puppeteer chapter 4 . 11/14/2008
Definitely a sweet fic. I've decided to go down the list of Rowan-Greenleaf's challenge and compliment all the writers. You're the first and I truly enjoyed this fanfic. Really it was short, but it was sweet and I would kill to see this story expanded into what we didn't see. All in all I enjoyed it and plan on reading and hopefully reviewing your other work. Great job.

By the way I love your Draco, he's so mischevious, light-hearted, and playful-an extremely endearing character. I hope you have other fics depicting Draco in a similar fashion.
SmartSexySlytherclaw chapter 4 . 11/11/2008
Great story, I love Ginny/Draco fics! Wonderful job.
Aerileigh chapter 4 . 11/6/2008
Ah, happy endings are nice.

I wish there was a little more depth emotionally in the characters (per my questions from the previous chapter's review), and the idea that Draco was a dangerous lover could have been expressed a little more before the final chapter.

Despite that criticism, I really enjoyed this story! You definitely have talent for writing-it's very natural. :)
Aerileigh chapter 3 . 11/6/2008
Hm...questions, questions, questions...

So was the break up with Colin motivated by a realization that she liked Malfoy and wanted to have a relationship with him, or by feelings of guilt from enjoying that kiss?

It seems like Gin is a bit torn-she likes Draco but he's a git, therefore part of her wants to have this relationship and the other does not. Am I right?

Does Draco really want to be with Ginny because she's a good snog who drew his happy side, or does he have an endgame?

Questions mean I'm hooked, which means this is good. :)
Aerileigh chapter 2 . 11/6/2008
I love that Ginny's reaction to embarrassment is fire. It's one of my favorite things about her as a character, and you do it well.

Did Draco really kiss her to shut her up or is there more going on? I suppose I'll have to continue.
Madame Degrassi 2.0 chapter 4 . 11/1/2008
gr8 fic :O)
ass. reg. man chapter 4 . 10/30/2008
This was AMAZING! After scrolling through several pages of worthless fanfiction written by people who seem to have no regard for the English language whatsoever, I chanced upon this beauty of a story.

And I discovered an author who can:

1. write (a rather important skill)

2. spell

3. use proper grammar

4. come up with a fairly believable plot (in the world of FFN at least)

5. make the characters believable

Thank you for putting time and effort into your story! Keep writing!
rowan-greenleaf chapter 4 . 10/27/2008
Aw, that was so cute! I like this story a lot, fantastic job.

I think you should DEFINITELY continue to write D/G fics! _
rowan-greenleaf chapter 3 . 10/27/2008
LOL, that is so Malfoy, informing a girl that he's her boyfriend! This chapter was a lot of fun. _

I'm sorry it took me so long to get around to finish reading this, but I'm glad I finally did, anyway. ;)
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