Reviews for The Lost Djinn
Chrundle the Great chapter 7 . 7/22/2009
i really really like this and i hope you continue! update soon!
Bibby chapter 7 . 4/7/2009
Nice story. Bartimaeus is written really well. I really like Alex. Please update soon. Things are getting really interesting!
conception.creation chapter 7 . 3/27/2009
Awesome! I wonder what will happen now that they're in London. Alex's preparations for the flight were very thoughtful - the two really seem to be getting along.

update soon!
The One Called Demetra chapter 6 . 3/21/2009
-basks in lovely in-characterness-
conception.creation chapter 6 . 3/20/2009
Hey, you've finally updated! Looks like Alex and Bartimaeus are going to get along. It's kind of interesting to contemplate him just hanging around doing human-y things. I can't wait to see him trying to play tennis!

(Thanks for the really nice review by the way!
Tane chapter 6 . 3/20/2009
This story is so cute I like it how Bartimaeus is totally confused by her casual behavior, and still curious enough to let her lead.

One thing though, your chapters are super short O.o make em longer, it'd be more satisfying for us readers, especially if you take your time uploading them :D I would know, I used to be like that.
DELETEDACCOUNT453637119927 chapter 5 . 3/8/2009
You have to continue this! Seriously, this is one of the best fics on this site.

Anyway, update soon!x
Tane chapter 5 . 1/24/2009
Very interesting beginning, you caught my eye immediately :-) can't wait for more! You've done a very good job introducing your OCs Alex sounds like a likable character.

Also, a very nice bit about the presentation, very entertaining, I'm curious as to where is this all going.

I'm in the process of writing my first Bartimaeus story too I know it can be hard to maintain the updates, but try to do your best, you've got a gem here just so you know.
lifelock pentacle chapter 5 . 1/24/2009
YAY!thanx sososososo much for updating!
conception.creation chapter 5 . 1/23/2009
Haha! I hope they actually do give that presentation!
conception.creation chapter 2 . 1/23/2009
I like it! Bartimaeus is in character and as awesome as ever. I love his account of what happened to King Tut
arhangle chapter 4 . 1/17/2009
Sorry,but can I be scathing?COMING UPSOON?YOU CALL THIS SOON?
LunaeShark chapter 4 . 11/20/2008
Awesome! Your summary caught my eye and now I can't wait for more to come! Great job! Bartimaeus is so funny when he's being rude! .
anonymous chapter 3 . 10/11/2008
I LOVE writing reviews. It's so FUN! Anyway, perfect everything, except for the fact that Bartimaeus sounded a little stiff. Like the part where Bartimaeus said "You are a strange magician." I think it should've been "You're a strange magician." Of course, I could be totally wrong, 'cause maybe you meant to stress the 'you', kinda like saying "YOU are one strange magician." But in the other cases, like "It did not hurt me, but it was annoying." Should be "It didn't exactly hurt, but it sure pissed me off!" Or even "Wasn't exactly a Systematic Vise, but it sure annoyed the hell outta me." Or something. But you don't have to get fancy and stuff. Your story's about ten times more than good enough. What I'm trying to say is that you should try to avoid 'have not' and 'do not' and mush 'em together like 'haven't' and 'don't'. That's all. I know I'm REALLY nitpicking, but, I AM very fussy about stuff. I disagree with you, I DO like this chapter much. One of the few stories that don't bore me after the second chapter. That's impressive!
anonymous chapter 2 . 10/11/2008
I have read lots of stories, some with terrible punctuation, some had bad grammar, some sounded a caveman wrote it, and someone sounded just plain crude. What I really couldn't stand, however, was if the character's attitude and personality was not as it was in the book, T.V. show, etc. Then again, some also sounded like something written by the original author, the characters being so perfectly mimicked. THIS is one of them. Flawless grammar, spelling, punctuation...And best of all, perfectly done characters! Bartimaeus is still his own rude self, and other stuff. Just ONE thing. I think Nathaniel died at the end of the book. In fact, I'm pretty sure the whole reason Nathaniel dismissed 'ole Barty was because he knew they were both going to die, and one of them might as well survive. Y'know?
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