Reviews for Bardic Tale
SassyFrassKerr chapter 10 . 2/22/2017
Sad to see you have appeared to have dropped this story. It was great fun to read though, and I would l9ve to learn where it was going to go.
hinataonicha chapter 10 . 2/9/2013
I'm guessing its a lost cause to ask you to keep writing this story?
Still I just wanted to say that you're awesome, your stories are awesome and I have practically read the whole lot of them (working on it).
I dont even know if this review will reach you, there must be a reason you havent uploaded any story in this account since 2011 but still. thank you for writing such awesome stories: I truly enjoyed reading them
Chasing chapter 10 . 5/12/2012
Delightful fic, excellent characterizations XD update soon-er-ish, yeah? Hope life's treating you well :D
ELinkA chapter 10 . 3/22/2012
Please, please, please... Well, you've got me))
pedomellonaminno chapter 10 . 11/3/2011
I know it's been ages since you put this story up, but can you please, please, please continue it? I don't usually beg for more of a story when it hasn't been updated for a really long time, but this one is too amazing not to continue. Please? On a completely unrelated note, we're not in a theatre, so you can say 'MacBeth'. I'm also pretty sure that you can write it whenever without spinning in circles and spitting, or at least read it, 'cause it's on the wall backstage. I'm pretty sure Bill acting the Doctor is the most brilliant thing ever, and my dislike for cliffhangers is inversely proportional. The beginnging of this sounds kind of desperate, even to me, but I don't have Bill's way with words. So, to let him do the talking, "Is thy news good or bad? answer to that; Say either, and I'll stay the circumstance: Let me be satisfied, is 't good or bad?" (Also, an appropriate-to-the-story line: '...thou art as hot a Jack in thy mood as any...') Anyway, you've probably had enough of my ramblings, so I shall say good-night till it be morrow. :)
ValaEnVash chapter 10 . 6/19/2011
oh man what a cliffie! i know it's been a while but i hope you plan on adding something sometime soon!
OtherMeWriter chapter 10 . 6/1/2011
Utterly FANTASTIC! I love this story! I do so hope that there will be more soon.
Rurouni Scribe8 chapter 10 . 10/25/2010
What? That's it? Seriously you need to update this, it's brilliant! I love the back and forth between Jack and the Doctor and the Noble twins are just hysterical/awesome. Besides they need to find Rose! Update as soon as you can!
Vorel laraek chapter 10 . 9/20/2010
This is incredible, if a bit confusing. I think I know what's going on, and you go and spring another twist on me! Please update sometime soon - this is awesome.
dzio chapter 10 . 2/3/2010
You know, I think I actually hate you a little bit right now. ;) You write something like this and DON'T FINISH IT! This is massively unfair and frustrating.

Can you be bribed? Because I'm offering a real, glowing review, detailing all that is awesome about this story - if you actually complete it. ;)

As a preview I can tell you that the idea of Noble Twins is brilliant and your John Noble (that's the ONLY name for him BTW, I've always thought so) is my very favourite version of Doctor 10.5. You have me more worried about him than about Donna, and I LOVE Donna to bits.

Ha. End preview. Now please, please, update! ;)
k chapter 10 . 9/24/2009
That was just plain awesome. Yep, you're definitely breeding fangirls, especially with that kiss - and Jack got to watch! I also love the inclusion of Shakespeare, only in fanfiction will you find a famous historical figure being chased around ancient rome by Time Agents. Lovely, crazy, and fun. Keep up the good work.
Kathryn Shadow chapter 10 . 6/19/2009
That was... random. O.o
BarnOwlJareth chapter 10 . 6/9/2009
Then, Jack supposed it was in case he'd missed something, the Doctor added, "I hate everything."

Aw, Doctor, you can't hate *everything*! What about bananas? And that wretched Fireplace harlot? And more bananas? (And apparently making out with John! Honestly Jessa, are you *trying* to make your readers even more fangirly than they already are!)
Otter Child chapter 10 . 6/8/2009
Wow. Out of the frying pan and into the roaring hot inferno! And the answer really is Jack's favorite thing for once! Great job, you had me laughing and gasping. Please don't keep us in suspense so long before the next chapter!
Isis the Sphinx chapter 10 . 6/6/2009
I can imagine Jack, John and the Doctor just staring gobbsmacked at Bill and his entourage running around. *cackles*

Keep writing!
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