Reviews for Champion
Shirayuki Hoshi chapter 1 . 7/18/2019
Hi! So I actually read this story YEARS ago, like back in 2011 or 2012, and I really, really loved it then. Recently, I've started replaying Oblivion and I've been hankering for some Oblivion fics, so I came back to this one. I wasn't even sure it'd still be here, and I'm psyched that it is!

I'm happy to say that I still love this fic. I've only delved into the first chapter, but it's just as good as I remember it. I've read dozens of Oblivion fics but this is still one of my faves.
Kimblee chapter 10 . 1/22/2018
Man this fanfiction is sooooooooooooooo good. I found it two weeks ago and I finished it in 2 days but i keep coming back to it because it's that great. I don't even know if I can read anymore Martin Septim and Hero of Kvatch stories anymore because this raised my expectations so high. I wish you made some more stories of these two,I dont even care if the wait time is like a year, you write them so beautifully. I wanna cry because of that ending, poor babies can't ever be happy together :(. But it was still awesome and I love it, this is like my 5th time reading it because it's that amazing!
Guest chapter 10 . 9/8/2017
So good, so sad that I am crying again as if I were seeing the last sequence of the game...but I see a hope, a gift that Martin gave her, to console her, and to remember him by...a child, born of that one special night...perhaps a child with golden hair and eyes the color of Lake Rumare...

When I can, I will read this again and again, and I will post a review for every chapter... thank you so much for such a beautiful story...
Julaina Morin chapter 9 . 9/8/2017
I love the way you captured Jauffre's gruffness and obstinacy, like an old bear woken too early from his hibernation! And the beautiful final Camaron scene of dying with an arrow through his throat while bragging about his Empire to come!...

But when Martin tells her, 'when this is over, I shall name you my Champion'...there is that uncertainty, that forboding ...
Guest chapter 8 . 9/8/2017
Yes, its beautiful! It is logically the only time they could have had together, right before she leaves Martin's Paradise to be whisked of to deal with Mankar Camaron. Their love is touching and lovely, and I like how Martin's eyes flicker and the candles go out...
Julaina Morin chapter 7 . 9/8/2017
You write it all so well, as if, like me, you were there-I always thought of what Oblivion was like, and knew that you couldn't just waltz in and out without a scratch, no matter how many healing potions you managed to stuff into your pockets...easier, I think, to just have the actual herbs in your pouch-that would take up a lot less room and weigh less too...I so love this story-

And yes, that kiss...
Julaina Morin chapter 2 . 9/8/2017
Oh, I really love the way this is written-so delicate, so full of emotion, worry, aggravated independence on both their parts-I fell in love with Martin when I first met him on the first game I ever played, and so many authors don't have the right feeling-the right connection-but you have it down perfectly! I look forward to all the chapters to come-and if the story ends the way it did in Oblivion, then I will cry again, but still love your story...
Guest chapter 10 . 4/18/2015
This was exactly my head canon during my play through. Very beautifully written, too. I will never not be sore about how the main quest ended. :(

I'm going to reread this now.

nightblade615 chapter 10 . 12/11/2014
This whole story is just amazingly written. I love how you made a point of every little twist and turn of their romance, and how they both were oblivious to it until told by others. Martin did seem to be pretty stubborn but passionate, didn't he? You did an awesome job with this story, and I really hope to see more from you.
WastedDreams chapter 10 . 12/6/2013
I absolutely LOVED this story! Normally I don't tend to enjoy short ones, cause they fly too quickly, but this was amazing!
Great job! :)
Dreamin'Dreams chapter 10 . 11/12/2013
I like this very much because I feel like your character really has this emotions, you know what I mean? Most people who write Martin/Champion of Cyrodiil like, they make their characters fall in love with Martin and there is really no emotion but this is full of it. I'm kind of having a hard time on explaining why I love this story so much and I hope you understand what I am trying to say.
This story is amazing and I really like the exchange between the character and Baurus.
Matrad chapter 10 . 8/8/2013
And dammit. This is why I make my character male as far as possible. It saves the non existent canon heartbreak. Well done.
Snow Skyrium chapter 10 . 3/15/2013
Thank you for your story. I was touched by Martin when playing Oblivion, and I'm touched much more by your story. You have written so well! I shall cherish your story for a long time to come.
Shirayuki Hoshi chapter 10 . 7/8/2012
This story is beautiful. The ending broke my heart (in a good way). It'd be nice if you wrote another story like this one.
anonn chapter 10 . 6/4/2012
WAIT NO? WHAT? MARTIN! NO KISS, NOTHING ELSE? This makes me cry. This story was just so sweet, with how she never told him her name and how their farewells had to be cut short for the fate of the world. How she told herself it wouldn't matter but doubted that small lie and DANGIT I FEEL THE TEARS. Anyway, *sob* I await more stories. Dang I feel empty now, never gonna finish the main quest *forever*
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