Reviews for Broken
Zorianax chapter 6 . 6/26/2017
Loved this idea so much! And I love the bloodline limit! But it did have its sad moments. Loved it!
BeyondMyReach chapter 6 . 12/4/2013
wow. I really like this story. Really realistic and belivable. Iruka's bloodline sounds awesome and I really like Izumo and Kotetsu as well.
ActuallyNevis chapter 6 . 5/28/2011
Thank-you! Very well done!
CharmingKarma chapter 6 . 11/27/2010
Awwwww! Poor Ruka! That bastard Mizuki D: Man, no matter what you think of this story, the fact is; It's beautifully written. I loved it! *sniffle* Iruka got his happy ending though!
UpperClassK9 chapter 6 . 10/31/2010
Ooh ok nice tie in to the whole story! Really like how you ended in, with the part which links to the first part of the story and the other Pein part. :D
UpperClassK9 chapter 5 . 10/31/2010
I'm telling you Mizuki's an ass. If I had a friend like that I'll be distancing myself from him/her so much by now. Iruka go find Kakashi~ Em ok back on track. Well, you did make me feel for a character. XD So that's good writing already. Maybe make him feel even worse next time lol. He's pretty sunk in self-pity. He might just be empty, you know? Like doing things but has already given up hope.
UpperClassK9 chapter 4 . 10/31/2010
Mizuki's an ass, kill him now! I mean, ahem. It might be more interesting if you spent alittle more time on the recovery part in the hospital though. Though you did explain it later on, but like, expanded more on how he's super disorientated and he's panicking cuz he realised his chakra's too low? He's still a kid, he probably won't be as quick to get over the panic as he might when he's older.
UpperClassK9 chapter 3 . 10/31/2010
Hate. D: Poor kid. And I don't know why but I keep wanting Kakashi to show up. I BET THE DAMN COUNTRY WOULDN'T PUNISH THE OTHER KID TOO. D: RAWR!

The chapters so far are short, and that's kinda good because I'm kinda on a time limit. I have sooooo many things to do and I'm sacrificing sleep to surf the net, oh genius me. They also keep your attention, probably because it's short, with things that keep happening. If this was put as one whole story I probably won't want to read for the lack of time. :) So that was supposed to be constructive crit but take it as you will. XD
UpperClassK9 chapter 2 . 10/31/2010
Bwahahaha I like this though! XD
UpperClassK9 chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
I don't know anything of Iruka's history, honestly. . But I always thought he might be slightly not normal because well, the Sandaime put him in charge of Naruto's class, and I don't think that they'll want to put a really lousy ninja in charge of the class that has a potential time-bomb. Also, I always thought it's a 3second rule! XD

Ok more read more now.
WritingCritic chapter 6 . 9/1/2010
Well not bad story, the only complaint I have is the use of 'touchstone' as a romantic acronym. It just doesn't fit. It's a measuring standard for gold or silver. Are you trying to say Iruka is a standard Kakashi measures himself against? That's not really romantic it kind of brings down your story. Oh, well it's your story. chapter 6 . 8/31/2010
Crapy? Uh no. This is the three story you've sucked me into and made me wish that it was longer. I really enjoyed this: well written with a good plot and two of my favorite characters. Thanks for writing! _
Tellytubby101 chapter 6 . 8/31/2010
I adored this final chapter-even before I read the little KakaIru ending. I liked hearing about Iruka getting a teaching position, beating Mizuki, and all that, even with his handicap. Even if you think you're running subpar, I enjoyed the last leg of the ride.

Thank you so much for writing~!

Any ideas of future KakaIru stories in the works?

From Tubby. :-)
ZeldaFitz chapter 6 . 8/30/2010
I think this is outstanding. It's an interesting and unique way to explain why Iruka never advanced beyond chuunin when he made genin so early. The pacing is good and the characters on target. I enjoyed it. _
alana chantelune chapter 6 . 8/30/2010
Congratulation ! This story is so beautiful, I love it !
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