Reviews for The Moment
Emari-chan chapter 1 . 8/30/2013
You know, I promised myself I'd stop reading smutty, sad fanfiction at 10:00 at night. I think I'm also going to promise not to promise myself things.

Excuse me while I vomit love and adoration all over this. 3
SevandArty chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
Aaaww! Now that makes me kind of depressed. Good story though!
Plate Captain chapter 1 . 3/21/2012
so ho ho binggg this what? oh myg od oh mgyhdod ohmg o what i lvo eit i LOVE it what have ou done to me? i am cyring beautiful tears everyw here

Pantherpaw chapter 1 . 1/2/2012
I was looking through your stories an I was just like oh where have I heard Crowley before then I was like OH MY GOD YOU'VE READ GOOD OMENS! my favorite book along with great story my mind is now blown
Pantherpaw chapter 1 . 1/2/2012
I was looking through your stories an I was just like oh where have I heard Crowley before then I was like OH MY GOD YOU'VE READ GOOD OMENS! my favorite book along with great story my mind is now blown
DreamTimeTails chapter 1 . 7/24/2011

My pitiful heart.

You write Good Omens good.
Darcy Chambers chapter 1 . 6/17/2011
Pleeeease continue? This made me laugh AND almost choke on my tears when I read (and re-read) the ending. I know this was written yonks ago but my jaw dropped when you said it was your first attempt at GO. It was bloody well written, well done you.
RandomPenName chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
You don't need to go back to your little wizards, you did a franjabulous (it is a word now) job.
Librae-chick chapter 1 . 9/20/2010
Its just so beautiful...ah, my breaking heart *applauds*

Definitely going into my Best-Good-Omens-fics list.
Spamsterlady chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
What Erava said really.

Your style is wonderfully reminiscent of the book. As much as I love, love, love ineffable!sex it was oddly nice to see Crowley turn away on Aziraphale's behalf. Even if he was a bit reluctant to do so.

Very well done darling.

Listlessness chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
There comes a point where it doesn't matter that a story was posted so long ago that the author has probably forgotten all about it and possibly even the fandom itself (judging from your profile, you haven't written any GO in over a year)and, if they haven't, probably (speaking from a bit of personal experience) blush scarlet with mortification every time they think about it. It doesn't matter because there comes a point where a story is so utterly heart-rending that it just BEGS for a review. And all authors are review whores in the bottom of their minds, and you, you wonderful person, deserve payment.

Overly long rant aside, I really just wanted to say (ahem):

THIS is your first Good Omens fic EVER? Seriously? You are made of pure awesome, you are. It's BEAUTIFUL. I love it! Makes me want to read your Harry Potter stuff, just to see more of your style. (I probably won't because I've somehow equated reading HP fanfic with finally completely selling my soul to the demon of Fanfiction, which I suppose is rather pointless, since it's already on indefinite rent either way.) Crowley's character is lovely! Not many people can write A/C and keep him in character; they forget that HE was the one driving the "it's ineffable" philosophical debate at the end of the book, not Aziraphale. But your angel is lovely too! And I love the little comical snippets you throw in; they go with the original flavor of the book so well. LOL at Aziraphale going to high school, and now you've gone and given me plot bunnies with that little comment. (Though I can't imagine it was quite the hellhole it is today in the 1800s.)

And, you see, now I've gone and ranted even more. ANYWAY, absolutely amazing! I will not tell you to go back and play with your wizards (which you've probably already done at this point anyway), and I have a feeling that begging you to return and play with pretty angels and demons probably wouldn't work, so I'll just say that you keep playing with whatever you want to play with, because you do it WONDERFULLY :)

Lots of love!
icingsugar chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
This was beautiful!
CopyNinAstral chapter 1 . 8/18/2009
I think I'm going to go have a cry now.

But, in the sweet, smiling-sad-happy-type cry, you know? Because just the way Crowley shows how much Aziraphale's happiness is above his own is very well written and touching.

Thank you for the lovely read~

glassneko chapter 1 . 6/6/2009

That was really good, and really passionate and really... ouch. I was not expecting that ending and it was perfect. The poor things.
Flying Lion chapter 1 . 5/25/2009
I am not sure how long it has been since this has been posted, but it is by far my most favorite one shot of Crowley and Aziraphale. It is so well written and the characters stay in character, so that it seems almost plausible. The tension you give the story, my heart was beating fast. Very good. Loved it all.
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