Reviews for Ultraviolet
Radar-rox chapter 1 . 7/7/2009
that... is fandamntastic. Wow. Huge well done! x
Sara Noir chapter 1 . 6/20/2009
Wow, I loved this! I'm surprised I hadn't read it before, actually. Dunno how I missed it... BTW out of curiosity which Bjork song reminds you of them? I would think, m... Pagan Poetry, perhaps? :D
jackandsallyforever chapter 1 . 7/13/2008
For some reason, this is absolutely genius in my mind. You write amazing things anyway, but this is pure brilliance.

This, I believe, was actually my first dose of femmeslash, and I think it will always be one of the best.

You really captured Neon and Ultra's relationship to a pinch, along with their violent sides. It's just so...*perfect* I'm melting.

Also loved the intensely small bit of Howince in that. You deserve many cookies, or things you like. Brava, ma chere.
Beechwood0708 chapter 1 . 5/10/2008
Wow! I so wish I had read this earlier. Damn this constant updating. Not that I should be complaining, it's just stopping me from writing/ reviewing.

But anyway, I don't know exactly what you in your head which you have forst intended to put across because that is your private unreadable thoughts, but this put across a hell of a lot, and the way you wrote it like the inner thoughts that never get said made it seem very honest, and all the unrequieted love and fear of being open about it came out amazingly well. And it's so realistic, and so similar, though obviously without the same metaphors, to how I've felt in situations like that before. Well done luv.

I love the style of it, it's just like a journey through a drunken mind. The repetitiveness seems to increase that naturalism of it, the way her thoughts just come back to that one idea, and the shortness and abruptness, sometimes even almost incoherence, of the sentences seems even more thought-like. The flashbacks are wonderful too, they compliment her immediate thoughts and reflections on other events perfectly, just like lovestruck, drunken remenisces would, it really does get you into her mind so well.

And just the thoughts you've given her- the backstory really fits with her personality in the show, and that sort of fear of being tken advantage of being covered with the violent exterior also really fits with the character and explains her motivations so well. And it's so nice to see the emotional side of Neon, when she's presented as controlling and psychotic so often; this was a really refreshing change, and beautifully written.

luv ya

JellybeanPunk chapter 1 . 5/9/2008
Gorgeous ... weird but poetic. I hope you go ahead with the other fic, I love the electro girls!


electricskeptic chapter 1 . 5/9/2008
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I'd reviewed this before, but apparently not. So I am doing it now.

I love this. As you've probably noticed, I'm a massve fan of the electro girls and I think you got them down pretty well here. I love all the angst, and the repeated phrases really help to drive home the heartbreak and loneliness. Unrequited love is probably the worst thing in the world.

There's a kind of sordid beauty to this - is that a weird thing to say? The way you write some things, like 'this tiny, sweaty, disgusting, lovely club', it really allows you to see both sides of everything, the beautiful and the ugly, at the same time. It really quite effective.

I loved the references to Howard and Vince as well, and how they're pretty much in the same boat. But at least it was mutual on their part...

Anyway, fantastic as always. I would definitely be very happy if you decided to do another Ultra/Neon piece.


-C.V. x
brokenmoonlight chapter 1 . 5/7/2008
That was stunning - absolutely gorgeous.

It was so heartbreaking and desperate and debauched, but at the same time, the imagery with the lights and the lines about her eyes being ultraviolet gave it a twisted beauty. The flashbacks were perfect, and I loved the whole part about Paris smelling different to London.

This was so gorgeously descriptive and drunken and messed up. I'm guessing it was Neon at the bar, as you mention the girl she was watching had blonde hair, and I liked the flashback mention of Vince and Howard, and how the girls noticed that they kept looking at each other. It then occurred to me that Neon and Ultra were sort of like the female version of Vince and Howard - one stuck alone at the bar and the other lost to the music and attention on the dance floor.

Amazing piece of writing!

Love you!

ButtonsMagoo chapter 1 . 5/6/2008

I love the way you mention no names to make it more myseterious, although Neon and Ultra where obvious I didn't get the other characters, although its 7:04am..

But yes, there arn't enough Electro girl fics.

And the peeping Tom, Yoo Hoo bit :D Loved that.

Overall another fantastic fic by you! :)

Great work

Love ya

ultra-electrogirl chapter 1 . 5/6/2008 i sound like janice from FRIENDS. but thats hiw amazing it was! love you!
