Reviews for Through the Years
NogadamoBhitia chapter 3 . 9/21/2014
Thank you for writing and posting this Supernatural story. I liked it when I read it yesterday evening.
reading chapter 3 . 5/8/2008
Great little series of snippets. So glad you ended on a happy birthday. :)
reading chapter 1 . 5/8/2008
Um. Ow. That was just heartbreaking. But I like that you can see each of these incidents putting Dean on the path to who he would become. Very nice.
irismay42 chapter 3 . 5/7/2008
I'm glad you gave Dean (and Sam!) the happy ending they deserve! I hope you're right about him not going to Hell... Although I suspect you're more right that Sam's going to go all Demonic to save him!

It must have really sucked for Dean to share a birthday with Jessica - kind of like she was his ultimate replacement in Sam's life. And losing John to the hunt after he'd already lost Sam to college must have been dreadful for someone so scared of being left alone. I loved how you used the Devil's Trap line - "His family just didn’t need him the way he needed them." to show how Dean had already acknowledged that to himself even before the YED pointed it out - true or not.

Great story! Nicely angsty throughout!
pandora jazz chapter 3 . 5/6/2008
I was beginning to wonder when the happy ending you promised was going to appear, but it was worth the wait. What an excellent ending!

When you reminded us that Dean shared Jessica's birthday, (not many people remember that), I agreed with Dean's thoughts, he was never going to get a birthday celebration from his little brother.

No wonder Dean doesn't celebrate holidays much, he never had the joy of someone remembering his birthday.

OK, now Kripke used Lilith, anyway you can send him your current suggestion?

I enjoyed your story. The different birthdays and Dean's thoughts and reactions were all so much part of the character we know from the series. Great job.

Thanks for sharing another story with us.

Until next time, take care.
Variou5 chapter 3 . 5/5/2008
really good fic! well-written. i enjoyed it.
Sushi Chi chapter 3 . 5/5/2008
I liked this story. Very sad. Wonderfully written. You did a great job.
Nana56 chapter 3 . 5/5/2008
Very enjoyable. That really would suck to find out you share your birthday with your brother's dead girlfriend. *shudder*

Good ending. Sam came through in true little brother fashion.
Ster1 chapter 3 . 5/5/2008
Yea! Finally, a happy birthday for Dean! Glad that Sam finally realized how important Dean is to his life and now they can hopefully share many more good days in the future...

I'm such a sucker for happy endings :)
Master Li chapter 3 . 5/5/2008
Oh the first several birthdays in this chapter made my heart ache. Poor Dean, is it bad that I figure this is pretty much how it is in the show? I can totally see Dean's birthday being ignored and forgotten and even though Dean trys to not let it affect him he is still hurt every year. Love how he had an actual birthday for his 30th... though I'm screaming cause he had like 25 years without one. Awesome story!
raputathebuta chapter 3 . 5/5/2008
Great job! I'm so glad you ended it with a happy one (yay for thirty!).

I could still just throttle John (& Sammy too) for all the missed ones.
historylover chapter 3 . 5/5/2008
Yay! Things are looking up for Dean!

Can I smack Sam, though? Please?

Great story! Loved it!

irismay42 chapter 2 . 5/4/2008
This chapter was definitely of the "Oh Dean..." variety! Aw, poor little thing, thinking Dad had deliberately not done anything for his birthday to punish him for the Shtriga incident...

I loved the way Dean took charge in the second part, even if he was turning to jelly inside. I don't think I'd be able to drive a car the size of an Impala now, how hard must that have been for a 14 year old? And I would think his fear of Social Services getting hold of him and Sam would have been a very real one, too!

Great chapter!
pandora jazz chapter 2 . 5/3/2008
This would make a great flashback for an episode. I could see Dean knowing the basic's of first aid and how to drive a car when he was fourteen. I'm sure that John would have treated Dean different than Sam, we have been given glimpses of that already.

Sweet that Sam is the one that remembered Dean's birthday.

I did have to smile when Dean wondered about 'where the stupid cows had been in the first place.'

Thanks for the update and sharing your story with us.

Take care.
Master Li chapter 2 . 5/2/2008
This is so awesome and so sad at the same time I love it! Can't wait for the next chapter.
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