Reviews for Betrayal led to Love
Sai'mne chapter 8 . 3/17/2009
cool sakura gets to kill people
micchi sakura chapter 14 . 1/17/2009
Micchi: That was such a great ending! I wish that there was a sequel!
micchi sakura chapter 7 . 1/17/2009
Micchi: This is AWESOME! so far and i'm pretty sure that its Pein not Pain...

Anyway this is great so far and I hopt to read some of your other stories soon after I finish this one!
klxsxs chapter 15 . 11/16/2008
I like went it in the beginning but in the end it suck (sorry). BUT overall I really like it. Forever SasuSaku. The End
YYx chapter 15 . 11/14/2008

Happy Ending! ))

J'aime ça! ) That means i love it in French x)

Morgan chapter 15 . 11/13/2008


animeguurl chapter 15 . 11/13/2008
You should have made Kiba and Akamaru do their 'Dynamic Marking' (you know when Akamaru jumps high and pees on a spot) Well I'm just sad it's over and when are you going to update your Twilight Story about Bella being a witch and YOU ARE SO UNFAIR LEAVING IT LIKE THAT! I WANNA KNOW ABOUT THE BABY!

IAmJustAFicReader chapter 5 . 11/5/2008
hm... i may be able to draw that... i just need to know how to scan it and send it to you. would you like me to do that? (btw his name is Pein, not pain, i used to think that all the time till i learned how to spell his name.)
animeguurl chapter 14 . 11/5/2008
Hm I like that idea. I would probably read it. Your okay at fight scenes, but you should make it harder for them to win, it just seems to easy for them. Please give us an epilogue. I'll give you a homemade cookie cake... nah... if you don't give us an epilogue I'll force you to eat my homemade cookie cake... and I burn water... and toast
iSasuSaku chapter 7 . 11/4/2008
its suigietsu and pein not pain... but kep it up :)
cHaSiNg PaPeR bUtTeRfLiEs chapter 14 . 11/4/2008
um i love the new fanfic! yes i wnat a sequel and no ur ok with fight scenes.
miyusdogboy chapter 14 . 11/4/2008

i loved it u did so amazing without me!

im so jealous!

XD hehe. ok. so i want to comend you on the insults to orochimaru (sp?) its was so amazing! and the fact that u had that thought cross her mind and then that she changed it shoulded a crazy amount of depth for ur understanding for her charachter. u did really well for not ooc- ing ppl sasuke was a lil off but he s was still good XD

um YES! do an epologue! and i think u should has sakura kill kabuto off but thats just my idea and ur new story sounds just amazing! i wish i read it during lunch! oh and we HAVE to start hanging out again so we can write stories together again and so u can help me with my idea for my english journal. and i like using imagry so yea just a warning.

but anywho! i completely loved it. i think that was my favorte chapter! XD
MimssS chapter 13 . 10/27/2008
their gotta be contunueing for sure i just can't take it anymore i want to know what happens next ! :)

PLS review soon PLS :)
animeguurl chapter 12 . 10/5/2008
please update soon I love your story this is my fav of your stories so far. (ps love all your stories) and MAN I wanted Naruhina action. (maybe you could make Hinata go looking for Naruto or something and they see each other or he sees her but she doesn't see him) Remember Naruhina makes the world go 'round!
kataang2 chapter 12 . 9/20/2008
awesome story i love it plz update soon
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