Reviews for The Art of Seduction is a Tech Manual
Bestflick chapter 3 . 9/23/2014
This story was amazing you went into so much detail with everything. I hope you make more TSCC fanfic because your amazing at it.
Saul Good chapter 3 . 2/26/2014
The fanfic line killed me. Frickin KILLED me
thrownhammer chapter 1 . 5/10/2012
Awesome work, thanks for sharing it!
darkfinder chapter 2 . 11/18/2011
hard to believe he able to hold back .
darkfinder chapter 1 . 11/18/2011
wow she admits being with a woman .
Wren Maxwell chapter 3 . 1/18/2011
-grin- That was wonderful! I know you wrote this a long time ago, but I just now found it so I hope you still get this review. Gotta love some terminator smut! Not nearly enough of it in the actually 'verse. I thought your characterizations were very good and I actually liked the ending. Job well done! :)
PSG1JOHN chapter 3 . 11/21/2010
All i can say is this was hot, and the POV were great!

I don't see any story's like this and you did one hell of a job.

Great work..
bigbew chapter 3 . 2/21/2010
L.O.V.E I.T.

Loves me a bit of Jameron smut!

"Come for me" Awesome fanfic dialogue. If only he'd said it in the real show!

Thanks for brightening my day!
Go10 chapter 3 . 1/19/2009
I never thought I'd read a story that has a terminator masturbating cuz she's sexually frustrated. Lol.

You write well. I'd read more. Maybe not with all the sex.

John is a horndog in this one.. haha.
fAteD lOvE chapter 1 . 12/14/2008
I don't read Terminator, I've watched two episodes of Sarah conner, so i assume cam is the robot girl?

I had to see when you said there might be smut in Chp three of "Morgan door". Girl, if it's this good for Terminator, can't wait for Chuck/Sarah lol ;P It's not as graphic as some ones I've read, it's more stating the things happening instead of feelings, clinical I guess would be the word i would use...and it's rather thoughtful, which doesn't happen often when writers write sex scenes haha

Btw, I love the title
Anon chapter 3 . 10/4/2008
For a story that started out as little more than smut, it has progressed far. You skillfully mix the sex scenes with the plot, making it all the more masterful. I sincerely look forward to reading more of your work in the future.
Fuzzy Eared chapter 3 . 10/3/2008
Lol, well the sex was certainly dramatic enough to be fantasy - loved the quip about bad fanfiction, lol. All in all, this
milliardovampire chapter 1 . 9/29/2008
my girl friend and i thought it was hot... made for a great afternoon.
Micktrex chapter 3 . 9/18/2008
I have to say after reading this you combine "smut" with great story-telling structure and a knack for getting Cameron's robotic mannerisms down perfectly, making for a great read.

I know how difficult it is to balance the sexual side of story like this with a deeper character-driven plot. And it does tinker on the edge of "oh dear god thats pornographic" but it fits well enough D

I think your POV chapter was great with Cameron and that you're definately one of my fave new writers.

Feel flattered i never usually review this much :P

Right...thats done now i can stop typing so damn neatly lol

and if u have the chance id love if u could read any of my fics. they're Baley stuff (from one tree hill) might not be ur cuppa tea but creative input makes it more than some teen love story.

I an attention seeking review whore. Hate me later :P

Oh! and the fic i refered to is called Lessons in love (cheesy i know)

darkgirl3 chapter 2 . 9/11/2008
I loved this chapter even more, keep up the great work :D
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