Reviews for Ten things to do at Torchwood when you're dead
PhoenixWytch chapter 1 . 11/4/2010
Awesome! *giggles* Just the perfect read for me at the moment.

Thanks for writing.
Global Conquest-er chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
If this was Facebook, I would hit the Like button (and then unlike, so I could Like it again) so many times that your inbox would be flooded with little notifications that meant absolutely nothing to you, but a whole lot to me . . . you can tell that I was just on Facebook, can't you? Darn it. I was hoping it wasnt so much an addiction as something that needed to be done to keep myself socially aware.

Anyways, this is freaking brilliant. And I always loved Tosh and Ianto. Not together, really, because I've always wanted Tosh with Owen because she wants it so much, and I've always been a Janto shipper, because, really? Hot! But, well, if you have to take the characters and put them in order of amazingness, Ianto and Tosh would be at the top. Possibly tied.

So, I guess, it's hard not to review positively what with your last line being the way it is.

Thanks for posting!
Queen GR chapter 1 . 6/22/2010
i dont get it
Niece of the Prophet Zarquon chapter 1 . 3/26/2009
I could see this on the TV not as a full epsode but as a great subplot.

In the main plot Jack, Owen and Gwen get chased thoughout Cardiff by alien spider which they cannot beat because non of them are able to get coffee and they are all sniping and being bitchy without Tosh to smooth over the disagreements.
Marn and Jenn chapter 1 . 5/25/2008
Wow, it seems like it might actually be fun to haunt the hub. Good, funny fic.
tiamat100 chapter 1 . 5/14/2008
This is hilarious! I love it! Owen is so silly sometimes!

And i can't believe none of them knew how to use teh expresso machine! That was funny!

This is a brilliant story!
Die Libelle chapter 1 . 4/13/2008
wonderfully wonderful!

made me laugh quite a bit, which is always a plus. And i think you got their personalities spot on. Nice one :D
forestwife chapter 1 . 2/18/2008
That was absolutely brilliant!

"Tosh, he accidentally vaporised us."

"Nobody's perfect."
PinkFairy727 chapter 1 . 2/16/2008
Yep, they so are the best two! This was great :c)
geek'd chapter 1 . 2/13/2008
"What's the point in being a ghost if you can't haunt people properly?"

Kyizi chapter 1 . 2/13/2008
Hee, awesome.
phineyj chapter 1 . 2/13/2008
I enjoyed this - it was cute, dry and funny.
Elvish-Princess99 chapter 1 . 2/13/2008
The first Torchwood fic I've ever read, and it was brilliant. Don't think anything will manage to top this for quite a while!
Kakareen chapter 1 . 2/12/2008
Quite enjoyed it, though I have one question: About how long were you thinking Ianto and Tosh were stuck like that?
The Captains Girlie chapter 1 . 2/12/2008
I'm so glad they came back in the end... i was OMG at first. But was a good story. Made me chuckle ]
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