Reviews for If living is without you
The Mills Apocrypha chapter 1 . 9/18/2008
This is how it really happened! I can definately see that Remus was in love with Sirius. I'd feel sorry for Tonks, but I don't like her. Well written and matches in with the books, makes it totally believable! I don't like angsty stuff normally but this was ace. Great job!
2Padfoot00Moony7 chapter 1 . 9/2/2008

Well a mad Remus is certainly ... a differen't... perspective.

But I like it. It most certainly explains is erratic behaviour in DH...

Well done xD
AMPH chapter 1 . 5/16/2008
aw **tear** that was amazingly written i love it muchly! :)
Galenchia chapter 1 . 3/21/2008
As much as I like your fics, they're often difficult for me to understand. I may be overanalyzing.


youkai chick supreme chapter 1 . 2/13/2008
::jaw drops:: holy shit that was well put together and oh so sick and twisted and dammit, that was awesome! really, well done is an understatement here.
Turin resurrected chapter 1 . 1/9/2008
Oh no... so your fic explains why Remus was acting so... weird in Book 7. Ah, poor Tonks... poor Remus...
werewolfsfan chapter 1 . 1/8/2008
OMG! This is a seriously beautiful bit of angst. And utterly cannon. I was so angry when I read in DH about Remus wanting to leave a pregnant Tonks to be with the teenagers but you make it so understandable here. Thank you from all my heart.
SetTheTruthFree chapter 1 . 1/5/2008
poor remus...very nice story tho