Reviews for Elizabeth Eden: Hopeless Ravenclaw
Natto'n'aliens chapter 16 . 9/26/2019
Why, hello there. I figured I owed you a little something after binge-reading my way to the end of this story. What an intense ending! I love every part of it, despite my heart aching for many characters. It is really a bold move to end with a sad note. And actually quite refreshing when it comes to fanfiction stories!
Anyway, I wanted to thank you for sharing this .)

Have a good day,

Amy100 chapter 1 . 5/6/2018
I liked this fanfiction; the ideas are good, I like the characters and how well rounded they are. But I think it needed a bit more in some areas. You don't really show Sirius and Elizabeth's relationship that much; you don't see the development from friends to going out. The end is also very abrupt. I feel like Sirius cheating on Liz is very out of character, because even though he sleeps around if he had a girlfriend that he truly loved he wouldn't have done it. Which brings me back to the fact that although I like this fanfiction I don't like the relationship between Sirius and Liz, because clearly if he cheated it was really nothing special.
SiriusHadesWinchester chapter 18 . 11/18/2016
Im sorry but that was the absolute worst ending to such a good story
wishilivedinbooks chapter 6 . 5/3/2014
I've noticed something. The OCs all have double initials - Katherine Kirkwood, Demetria Didd, Gwyneth Garret, Caroline Crabbe, Hayden Heathers, Elizabeth Eden… and I'm fairly sure it was intentional, unless you have a subconscious thing for alliterated names. I was just wondering, is there a reason why?
Ali chapter 5 . 4/8/2013
Why is it SRB?
Spudoodles chapter 19 . 12/10/2011
I loved your story, it was brilliant(As Gwyn would say... oh no.)! It's nice to see a story told from the point of view of someone who wasn't in Gryffindor. Almost all the Sirius stories are based around Gryffindor house :L I can't wait to start reading the other so I can leave another review for you!
SwedishNerd chapter 17 . 12/29/2010
Or, wait... should I say Happy Hannuka? Anyways, happy holidays!
SwedishNerd chapter 18 . 12/29/2010
FY FAN VAD BRA! I was so into the story I begun this review in Swedish (ah, the confusion on speaking two different languages at the same time!) but this was really good! I'm actually not really going to ramble in this review, but go on and read the sequel which seems sooooo good! I read the teaser, Sirius will be another teacher, won't he? Ah, gotta read. Merry belated christmas!
j12sk3 chapter 19 . 5/2/2010
yay, can't wait to start reading the sequel!
LinzRW chapter 14 . 2/14/2009
humanthesaurus chapter 17 . 12/25/2008
*phew* that was a long one. You do like your alliteration, don't you?

I liked it. I could have used more fluff, but then, I'm a fluff-a-holic, so...

I thought you got the cannon characters in-charicter, which many people don't do.

sorry, this is a kinda lame review, but it's tomorrow & I'm not to coherant.

anyway, merry christmas/happy belated chanukah!
denners chapter 6 . 11/2/2008
I have to say that it was nice that you didnt partner Liz with Sirius. Just because in most stories, the OC and the love intrest always gets partnered up, it good of you to be original, :)
draco-cute chapter 18 . 9/5/2008
It was really reading for
Jessica Moon chapter 18 . 8/19/2008
I think its great so far, not much ideas for titles, but you could play off the hopeless theme.

Professor Eden: Beyond Hopeless Teacher
Won-Won-Weirdo chapter 18 . 8/18/2008
I like it, but since it's not very long it's hard to think of a title. We'll talk about it tomorrow, yes?
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