Reviews for A Very Naruto Christmas
Crzymnky666 chapter 1 . 5/23/2012
alright, i admit i had my doubts at first but that was actually pretty funny.
Ceri Moriarty chapter 1 . 5/31/2010
hah! Very funny.
NarutosBrat chapter 1 . 6/14/2009
That Sasuke part at the end was the best part.
Selonianth chapter 1 . 12/19/2008
you should have tied this one into the other one that would have made it better in my opinion
Hijokugei chapter 1 . 11/12/2008
I like the last mental image. Very funny!
PaulRap Raptor chapter 1 . 3/26/2008
? I'm confused ?
Kaori chapter 1 . 2/22/2008
Kaira-chan15 chapter 1 . 2/12/2008
Lol I laughed hysterically at these lines:

“Why did I see your many-times-great-grandmother’s priceless crystal punchbowl thrown out the second-story window?”

“Four words. Spiked punch. Rock Lee.”

“I…see. Thank you. That is all. Return to your guests.”

“There, there, Tou-san,” Hanabi soothed, rubbing her father’s back. “It was sacrificed for a good cause.”

I’m Sandy. Now shut up and let me sleep, Temari’s complained.

Aww I want one! _

Five extremely kawaii foxcubs blinked at the five girls and mewed.

Awesome story, it was cute and funny! Good job. :D
x.X.x.X.xBabyboo294x.X.x.X.x chapter 1 . 12/28/2007
That was hilarious!
Unc0nn3ct3d chapter 1 . 11/30/2007
i like the fact that kyuubi FINALLY! gets along with naruto.. it's fun xD.. and i liked the part that "Sasuke whistled merrily to himself as he slaughtered every ninja in the Sound" all because of an head xD.. but it's not an regular head.. IT'S UCHIHA ITACHI'S HEAD! MWHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA crap.. that's not evil