Reviews for Warriors Advice Column
Guest chapter 16 . 2/24/2013
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !
LilispiritLiliScarredneck chapter 16 . 4/9/2012
Why? I just read it, and this was very useful!some of these question and answers were nice, and the questions a great variety. you did a good job keeping your story going this long because whenever i get to the 5th or 6th chapter of my books, i usually stop because i have lost interest in reason why my name is Lilispirit/Lili/Scarredneck is because in one of my stories there is a cat called Lilispirit in my book that lives in my version of the Dark Forest battle( Which Someone SPOILED THE ENDING FOR ME! THANKS A WHOLE DANG LOT!)and she was almost killed by two toms. when the main characters see her again, her name is changed to Lili, had all the other survivors with er, and had a bunch of scars all over her neck. Some of the cats called her Scarredneck for her neck. I just got off topic so i am just saying, good job! sadly, i am not on Fanfiction nor have an account, so you can't read the stories i write. so Auf Wiedersehen!
Goldenheart11 chapter 15 . 11/26/2009
Name of Cat(s): Leafpool

Question: Do you still love Crowfeather?

From: Goldenheart of Earthclan

Name of Cat(s): Crowfeather

Question: Do you still love Leafpool?

From: Goldenheart of Earthclan

Name of Cat(s):Crowfeather

Question: Which of your 3 mates do you love the most?

From: Goldenheart of Earthclan

Name of Cat(s): Leafpool and Crowfeather

Question: Do you regret running away together and would you do it again if you had the chance?

From: Goldenheart of Earthclan

Tee hee hee, can you tell I'm obsessed with CrowxLeaf
starkiddos chapter 1 . 9/5/2009
Name of cat: Crowfeather

Question: Dear Crowfeather, when you found out that Leafpool had your kits did you want to bathe in a lake of hot cheese?(I was bored so I just decided to make up a stupid question.)

From: Spottedshadow (aka spottedshadow103)
Revriley chapter 15 . 4/28/2009
To Longtail:

In my clan, cats hunt and fight only for ourselves, even the elders and kits. In fact, it is considered a crime to give another cat food. Foxclaw is this elder that retired early because one of his paws twisted while he was hunting, causing him to fall-and the paw couldn't be healed. But he can use three legs-really well-but Oakstar won't let him be a warrior again! How can I convince him to let Foxclaw be a warrior? (And in the meantime, how can I hunt for the kits and elders without being caught?)


To Cloudtail:

I was once an outcast, a loner. Cats of my clan found me, and brought me back-aged six moons at the time. But cats have mocked me over the years, claiming that they smelled kittypet stench on my fur, and that I was soft-hearted. I want to prove to them that I'm a true clan member,

i am cat hear me roar chapter 15 . 3/13/2009
Name of Cat: Jayfeather

Question: I was born into my Clan blind, and everyone treats me like a kit. How do I make them see me as the regular cat I am?

From: Sparklepelt of ThunderClan
XLeafheartX chapter 15 . 3/12/2009
Name of cat(s): Firestorm, deptuy of WindClan

Question: I really want to spend the rest of my life with my clan's leader and i can tell that he wants to be with me also, but I am already mates with someone else. What should I do?

From: Firestorm of WindClan
Silverpelt chapter 5 . 2/18/2009
Dear Bluestar,

If Starclan if filled with crazy cats, where did they get the catnip?

-Silverpelt of Starclan

P.S. stay off my lawn!
Phantomflower chapter 15 . 12/6/2008
Name of cat: Leafpool, Willowshine, Firestar

Question: Many weird things have been happening in the Clans since your reign Firestar. Long story short: the ghosts of many evil cats, including Tigerstar and Hawkfrost, have escaped the Dark Forest and cause bodily harm to living cats. My own story is odd: I am a reborn cat like Cinderheart, only I was a half-dead (ghost) Twoleg kit while alive in my first life, but died of sickness. I remember all of my Twoleg memories, but I have a few questions.

First off: when I was a Twoleg kit, I was a boy (tom). Now I'm a girl (she-cat) Why did my gender change upon my rebirth?

Second: I am RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice, and I have fallen in love with Sunheart, ShadowClan's med. cat apprentice. I know it's forbidden, but I cannot ignore my heart, and neither can Sunheart. How do we hide our relationship as much as possible?

Third: How do I, in these circemstances, retain my sanity? As both RiverClan's med. cat apprentice and Danny Phantom's reincarnation, I am under a LOT of pressure from everyone in my Clan and elsewhere. Sunheart, myself, and our fellow med. apprentices Spottedbreeze of WindClan and Speckleflame of ThunderClan, are also subject to a prophecy. Thanks for your help!

From: Phantomstream, reincarnation of Danny Phantom, and currently stressed out medicine cat apprentice of RiverClan
Cloudsleeper chapter 1 . 11/11/2008
Name of cat: Firestar

Question:Where do kits come from?

Fron: The birds and the bees.
Pinetail is Addek-ed to Greys chapter 10 . 10/16/2008
I thought you could only find catnp at twoleg gardens?
starryskywishes235 chapter 9 . 10/5/2008
BTW your story is awsome and I am a Tideclan cat! Thanks a lot Otterpaw
starryskywishes235 chapter 7 . 10/5/2008
Name of cat: Lionblaze, Poppyfrost, Hollyleaf, Cinderheart, Honeyfern, and Jayfeather

Question: I am a really good hunter, but I suck at hunting! My mentor hates it when I battle train because I always lose. Plus my crush watches me fail and I wanna be a warrior! HELP!

From:-Otterpaw (I became an apprentice a moon ago)
starryskywishes235 chapter 1 . 10/5/2008
Name of cats: Dawnkit Flamekit and Tigerkit

Question:How do you guys react to the fact that your dad had once been a girl?

From: Otterkit
Commander Gecko S chapter 1 . 7/3/2008
Name of cat(s): Tigerclaw, Spottedleaf, Mousefur

Question: One of my brother is the medicine cat's apprentice (A spot I've always wanted, and he even KNEW about(he said he would never want the spot, by the way)), and my other brother and sister have gone on a big quest to save the Clans. I'm the only one in my family that isn't really special! I really want to be a medicine cat apprentice, (I think my brother is doing it just so spite me) so that I won't always be compared to them (plus I really want to help the clan, but I can't hunt or fight). HELP!

From: Moonpaw of CaveClan

Yes, this is a question that relates to a fanfiction of mine, I just want to see what the answer may be

Oh, and the advice is very good! Keep the story going!
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