Reviews for Disarmed
wotumba1 chapter 16 . 1/20/2018
great story, thanks for sharing!
wotumba1 chapter 9 . 1/20/2018
oh don!
wotumba1 chapter 1 . 1/20/2018
Iuvsbruce chapter 16 . 12/4/2017
rerichardson4 chapter 16 . 3/30/2016
Brilliant work ALEO! I am sure you have put much time and effort into this story. It makes for such a great read.
Gianna di Fiori chapter 16 . 3/29/2016
Once again, superbly crafted!
Cutter12 chapter 16 . 7/15/2013
This story is just chocked full of angst; meaty. ;)
I really liked how the whole team rallied around Charlie to help keep him safe; from the bad and the good guys.
Another great story from you, I enjoyed it immensely. :D
Cutter12 chapter 2 . 7/14/2013
I trust you...I trust you. Charlie is my favorite, NO! he can't be the villain! But, Okay - I trusted you and still kept reading...Whew! glad I did; now this is going to be interesting to see what scary adventure the Eppes clan are going to be involved in and how the two of them, TOGETHER (I hope) are going to vanquish the bad guys. :D
AccountKiller0000000 chapter 16 . 12/8/2012
Whew. What a great series. Poor guys. You certainly put everyone through the ringer. I loved the bad guys as I could picture them in mind's eyes and they were very believable.

Amazingly done.
MyLifeIsComplete chapter 16 . 10/25/2010
ALEO, I must say that this is my favorite book by you yet and it inspired me to write a numb3rs fic of my own. Thank you for writing. You kept everyone in character most beautifully. I loved the Don/Charlie interaction and the Don/Alan interaction. Very believable and very well done. I must say, well done!
taleanaomi chapter 16 . 11/16/2009
Interesting, though i have to admit, not as good as the other ones.
EmptySky chapter 16 . 5/21/2009
I can see this being problematic, Don having to talk to someone potentially holding his brother hostage and having to be objective and calm. Or I thought so until I got to the end of the first chapter, and got a shock. From your description there… it can’t be Charlie? I shall read on and find out! It’s obviously a tough struggle, also very well to be seen by the way you lay it out; at one point it’s Charlie, simply Charlie, and then a few passages later it’s the gunman to Don. I like it. I’m really wondering who’s behind everything, and who’s talking to Charlie there. It can’t be Telford and Ryder and the ones he worked with? The name ‘Luke’ does sort of ring a bell, but I thought he was just a minion… I do not remember a brother, though. Oh, but now with the ‘Boots’ reference I definitely know. There was once again so much action and suspense going on, and a pleasure to read. The bit with Charlie raising the loaded gun like that was unexpected, but logical in that moment. It definitely added to the drama. I remember Barnathan, too D But only because I think his last name is weird. And Wachowski too. I’m glad this all ended well, and that everyone will be physically and hopefully psychically fine ) I’m excited to read more of your stories, but not tonight cause I’m tired. 31 chapters in one day will do that to you ;) Thanks for the entertainment!
epalladino chapter 16 . 5/7/2009
With this you managed to top your other two stories in this series (which is a real feat). Both Charlie and Don were perfect and they way you had them work out their dilemma was exactly the way I would see the characters doing this. I also loved the way you used Alan and the well-crafted conflict between the FBI and the LAPD.

Thanks, Beth

P.S. I'd love to see an epilogue to this one...
Sharon chapter 16 . 12/29/2007
What a well paced and well written story! You kept the action and tension high throughout the whole thing. Great characterization of the Eppes and Don's team - their words and actions were very believable.

Hope to see more from you in the future!
Cairis Rin chapter 16 . 11/30/2007
I actually had a hard time reading this one. Mostly because as I was reading I kept thinking there was just no possible way the Eppes could get out of this emotionally unscathed. But that's also what made it a very poignant and extremely well done story. You have my respect for even daring to write this.
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