Reviews for Inside Out
Lilly Winters chapter 1 . 9/10/2014 at a loss for words.
The amount of depth in which you have added to this piece of art is amazing. In fact, amazing doesn't even begin to cover it. There isn't a word in the English language that comes to mind that is powerful enough to express what I felt while reading this. You are truly a talented author. You are an author. If I could, I would read every piece of your work, whether a published novel or even a supposedly "simple" piece such as this Fanfiction story; it was utterly beautiful.
You are truly an inspiration and you have more than earned my respect with your talent. I hope to see more from you and I know you will go far as a writer. Your ability will not simply be restrained to Fanfiction. You'll go far. I can see it.
x Euphoria chapter 1 . 5/29/2013
Everything I read that you write leaves me so impressed. This was an incredible story. Wonderful job as always.
Gyreflight chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
What a fascinating idea, beautifully and movingly written, with its new and different edge of tragedy softened by Tifa’s determination not to let herself (or Vincent) be trapped in the closed book of the past - and, oh, if anyone would recognise what’s going on, of course it would be her… (I also really liked the slightly desperate protective humour in her comment about getting a complex about it, since it really isn’t fair that something so impossibly unlikely should happen to her twice).

That closed book though, is painful whether it is opened or not. It is closed and done, but not closed and gone – there’s the grief for that lost Vincent who deserved to be known and never now can be, the uncertainties of moments whose meaning was more and different than was known at the time…and yet, there’s now the other Vincent, who also deserves to be known, and a future, which one way or the other, will have to come to terms with both of them.

It’s just as well that he knows better than to rush her – she’s certainly got a right to her confusion (and all her other feelings too, whatever they may be).

Very good read, thanks.
N chapter 1 . 1/10/2012
I liked this! Tifa and Chaos... with Vincent SOMEWHERE in-between.

Some places, I had no idea what you were on about, but others were clear and beautiful and meaningful.

It was good. Thanks for writing it!
JessicaJ chapter 1 . 10/14/2011
Well, I have to say I am left feeling very introspective after reading this, and also still trying to figure everything out.

Tifa loved Vincent, or rather, the old Vincent, whose personality and character was heavily influences by Chaos. When that part was gone, she felt like the man she loved was gone. Such a heavy, poignant idea, and I can see how that could compare to Cloud. How he is now a husk of the man he once was, his memories influenced by Zack's.

Wonderfully written, and I will have you know that I will be thinking about this for hours afterward.


Jessica J
Gremlinite chapter 1 . 5/17/2010
I don't know how much of the relationship between Vincent and Chaos is your own creation or an amalgamation of things you have read, but I find it striking and wonderful. Sometimes, yes, the first person perspective was a bit confusing, but I think you handled it well. The "Vincent used to just be Chaos in a Vincent shell" idea evolved over the course of the story in ways that I as a reader could understand and appreciate.

Anyway, I really liked this! You are a very talented writer and gutsy for trying something new. You know, I think I'm starting to really dig this TifaxVincent thing.
monitorscreen chapter 1 . 4/7/2009
That hurts, in a really numbed and distant sort of way. On the one hand there is this reassuring presence right here, and hope to the future, but on the other the irrecoverble loss... You made a delicate balance crafting all these elements together; I heartfully applaud the result. Charming work.
Mz Anoniimous chapter 1 . 10/20/2008
It's different and unique. Loved it!
IVIaedhros chapter 1 . 10/18/2008
Very interesting idea...thanks for the read.
Sirius-Black-is-not-dead chapter 1 . 10/2/2008
I know I should say SOMETHING in regards to the fic, but to be honest I'm kinda speechless. It was definitely different, and I really liked it. GREAT WORK!
Keirra Maxwell chapter 1 . 8/20/2008
I can't stop re-reading this fic over and over again. The angle that you took with Chaos effectively living Vincent's life is one that I really loved.

Tifa's point of view perfectly showed her confusion and pain. Throughout the story you could see the painful hints of both her want to love the real Vincent, and how much he was, in his own way, begging her to love him for what he really was even though he KNEW he wasn't who she loved in the first place.

As always your insight into Vincent's Demons was perfect and brought Chaos to a level where he became so much more than just a fancy limit break.
Squeeze-the-Fish chapter 1 . 11/21/2007
I'm not just kissing your ass when I say this, but I think this is the best VincentxTifa fic I have ever read. This story is just amazing, on so many levels, many of which have already been hinted to in other reviews, I'll just try to add my piece. (and run-on sentences)

When I began reading this, I was disappointed right away with the first person pov, but as others have already stated, it really couldn't be any other way. I ended up LOVING it. We got a chance to 'feel' what Tifa was feeling and 'grow' right along with her. It was fantastic.

There are so many twists and turns to this story, it's like you take our emotions for a ride from beginning to end. I'd like to point out the ones that stuck out to me.

One, I couldn't believe that Tifa fell in love with Chaos, and when the 'real' Vincent tells her that Chaos loved her too...well, it was damn powerful. I think it was only powerful b/c of the way you made Chaos a part of Vincent.

Then of course, the way you made Chaos a part of Vincent was intense in itself. I guess I've never thought of it that way, but it was absolutely brilliant. I cannot say enough how fantastic of an idea it was. It made the story for me.

When I finally caught on, about which Vincent we were seeing, it struck such a chord with me. I've long been a fangirl of Vincent and for the first time I wanted to cry tears of happiness instead of tears of pity or sorrow. It was such a profound moment in the relationship between Vincent and I, it's been months since I felt anything but annoyance for him and what fandom has made him.

The way Tifa struggles with this is so real, without making her seem disturbed for falling for him in the first place. How really could you deal with the situation she's in? Growing to know and love someone that isn't the 'real' person. That she thinks of parallels with Cloud is a nice touch as well.

And Vincent, I think you have him showing through in a great, but subtle way. I like that he's not all happy-go-lucky, he's still retained his 'Vincentness', but at the same time the reader can feel that this is a totally different person. (if that makes any sense)

I've forgotten most of the rest of what I wanted to say now that it's getting late, just know that this is a beautiful, touching story. Thank you so much for sharing!
Illusion of the Mirror chapter 1 . 10/31/2007
This story was absolutely stunning. You have an amazing gift for bringing the characters to life, and that is rare amoung writers. Thank you for lending your talent to this pairing!
TifaValentine99 chapter 1 . 10/19/2007
what the crap...? too confusing for me! HAPPY BIRTHDAY VINCENT!
Chobitskitty chapter 1 . 10/16/2007
for you not being used to writing in that style, you did an excellentjob. I loved this. Just wish there could be more. You have a way of writing the ppl who read your stories, feel like they are in it. I start reading something of yours, and I can't stop. I gotta read it until im finished.

Love your work!
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