Reviews for Ink
Ariana Peverell chapter 1 . 2/23/2016
Wow... that was amazing.
NaruShika-Forever chapter 1 . 8/10/2015
Holly... that's deep... not expecting that.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/3/2015
Maybe Naruto's charcoal and ink doesn't show on his hands, but it shows on some dark hidden stain on his soul. After all, he had been drawing so long it had painted over any mistakes he made. And there was a reason he drew Sai that picture; after all, they were kindred spirts, but Sai could never fake his smile like he did. So he drowned himself in ink and paper, tried to dye himself a different color. He even dyed his emotions, to make up for what he lost. And Naruto was so good he was even able to paint colors on Sai's black expanse. After all, Naruto was a kitsune, and why shouldn't he be as good at illusion as the thing he hosted? Naruto painted a beautiful mask, a child's mask that was part of a greater mask to shield and hide the real Naruto from the world, only to come off when the moon was full. As the mask laughed and felt, the real Naruto broke, as no one could see the real person inside. Except the fox, the fox with eyes as red as blood. He was a master of illusion too, long ago lost in his mask. So the fox laughs as he sees the same thing happen to his jailor, not wanting to get out even if he could. It was, after all, much more amusing staying with someone who was doing the same thing he did. But Naruto laughed too, laughed seeing his mask had fooled everyone, every single one, except the fox. He could never fool that one. And Sai watched, content on observing the master at work, painting his mask to be even more complex. Too bad he could never fake his smile, but he could use his ink very, very, well. Couldn't he always? It was easy to dye himself black. So easy.
narutoxsasuke124 chapter 1 . 3/15/2015
is lily day a writer
icecatfire chapter 1 . 5/11/2012
awesome pure awesome.
Waterbender of the South chapter 1 . 4/21/2012
Oh gosh . . . Scary. I really like it though. The darkness is very well written. I'm impressed.
Iryelb chapter 1 . 11/20/2011
short but in depth I liked it
TT chapter 1 . 5/12/2011
loved it ...
Kyoki no Kage chapter 1 . 4/26/2011
wow... this was... so inspiring...XD
1cibi gaara3 chapter 1 . 10/28/2010
i like dat!
BurnLikeAFlame chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
wow... great :) keep it up .
DarkDelicacy chapter 1 . 5/10/2010
Oh, wow.

My scalp tingled with apprehension.
Brackets chapter 1 . 11/30/2009
Nice one-shot. Suitably dark.
Ravi chapter 1 . 6/20/2009
nice! this seems like a good dark naruto premise.
reader that loves it chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
omg! omg! continue please i love dark naruto fic please continue!
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