Reviews for Always
Titania1796 chapter 4 . 4/21/2015
Actualiza pronto quieres. Que te párese si haces que Kakashi convierta a Sasuke en vampiro se pondría muy interesante
SD3322 chapter 4 . 1/20/2015
What are you doing to me!? All of this stories are great and I would like for you to continue. When will be the next chapter?_
MyLiloITAChIassasin chapter 4 . 5/18/2012
interesting! Wonder what is going to happen when kakashi found out about the whole story.
bridmatt chapter 4 . 6/19/2011
The story is pretty good so far. I like the formal hierarchies in vampire and werewolf society with pack leaders and such. The war between vampires and werewolves is also rather interesting, how they feel compelled to attack one another because of instincts. I assume Sasuke's connection with Kakashi will also make it tough for Naruto to be around him? I also really like the relationship between Kakashi and Sasuke. It's very sweet how Kakashi has taken him in and protects him.

I'm not sure what to make of the potential relationship between Naruto and Sasuke, however. Poor Sasuke is such a child in comparison to the mature, world-weary Naruto. I'm not sure yet why Naruto might find him appealing. Naruto is confident and strong. He's a leader, while Sasuke is just a sheltered teenager. Sure, Sasuke is determined to get answers about Naruto, but honestly, that's such a horror movie cliche for the hero/heroine to get involved because s/he wants knowledge for some undefined reason. In this case, Sasuke has gotten proof positive that Naruto is a werewolf, so what else does he want? It should be obvious enough why Kakashi wouldn't want him to be around Naruto. The logical thing for him to do at this point would be either to let it go, or to tell Kakashi what just happened so they could talk about it. (Of course, the lead in a horror movie would inexplicably keep what just happened a secret, all to compound the main character's problems.)

So far, Sasuke seems like a damsel in distress-type, which I don't particularly like for his character, but since he is basically a nice kid in this story, I don't like the idea of him being unnecessarily brought too far into this world. Naruto turning him into a werewolf would be sad since that would take him away from Kakashi (after Naruto took Iruka from him, he should be allowed to keep his new family), not to mention the fact that he wouldn't be human anymore.

Well anyway, it's clear enough this fic has been abandoned, but I thought I'd share my thoughts anyway.
Crowfether chapter 4 . 1/3/2011


I LOVED it! :D

please do more! :D

can't wait for the next chapter :D
moopad chapter 4 . 10/10/2010
() just found this fic and even it seems to be abandoned I just want to say I enjoyed reading it and if you have time maybe continue it in the future.

g chapter 4 . 12/29/2009
love it keep it going update soon
clippit chapter 4 . 8/29/2009
man i never get tired reading this...hope you'll update soon! great chapter by the way! but there were some misspelled words...but all in all it was great! :3 well that's all for now...ja ne!
lil joker 1989 chapter 4 . 3/29/2009
oh my gosh i would have freaked out so bad if i was to see that seriously O
iceechica chapter 4 . 3/28/2009
this is really awesome i love it

please please please please update soon

also whatare the pairings gonna be?
Valheru1988 chapter 4 . 1/14/2009
Woot, interesting story, guessing it's Gaara's territory with the redhead thing, Hope you continue this, It's a nice twist and I like where you have gone with the story so far,

Keep up the great work and have fun (with writing, life, everything :)
If Only Cacti Could Fly chapter 4 . 1/1/2009
Good Gumdrops! This story is amazing! I want answers too! Maybe not the same one's as Sasuke... but that's okay...

The entire idea is so original. I love Kiba in this, though I always love the cute little puppy! Umm... Do you mind me asking if Kiba and Neji are going to be paired with anyone (maybe each other, maybe Gaara and Kankurou, which were the other two werewolves I'm pretty sure) Please update soon! This story is too amazing to let go!
TenshiXXX chapter 4 . 11/8/2008
You know, you're rapidly becoming one of my favourite NaruSasu authors ever. This fic is amazing! I hope Sasuke gets turned by Naruto. And maybe Neji gets turned by Gaara...

Hey, a girl can dream, can't she? XD
Klaine Wonderland chapter 4 . 10/23/2008
Keep me updated!
Klaine Wonderland chapter 3 . 10/23/2008
NO! I was afriad it would be Iruka, T_T Lol Sasuke's rant is something I would totally do. I see a lil' twilight in here xP

Actually a lot.
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