Reviews for Sexy no Jutsu
Guest chapter 7 . 9/9/2017
This was so cute and funny, lol Percy Naruto! I like the concept and you pulled it off well!
kencpd chapter 5 . 6/20/2016
Oh my gahhd. I will never understand how you dont have any more reviews, favourites, or follows than you do now; cause honestly this fic is fantastic! I'm in love with your writing style, and the way that you depict each character is on point! I love love love it! Idk if you'd still be able to read this, but I just really wanna thank you for sharing this masterpiece. Sending love from Toronto, Canada! Xoxo
Kimichiii chapter 7 . 1/18/2016
This has got to be one of the funniest stories I've read on here. You did great on their personalities! I can actually see this happening, which makes it all the more hilarious. Your style of writing is really good too and I greatly enjoyed reading this story. Thank you for taking the time to create this! It's definitely a favorite of mine.
satomika chapter 7 . 4/9/2015
I love the plot!

I'm just disappointed with the ending
aurora0914 chapter 7 . 8/17/2013
is there going to be a sequel?/ Please make a sequel! Update sooon!
Skyrere chapter 3 . 11/11/2012
How sweet. XD
I might actually like this Sasuke.
woodlandfairykirk chapter 7 . 11/4/2012
cute(: there are never any academy fics anymore!
Dbzgirl1011 chapter 7 . 8/24/2012
U can't leave it at THAT!1!1
please continue.. :(
Dbzgirl1011 chapter 6 . 8/24/2012
Yay u updated! Soo happy
MyLiloITAChIassasin chapter 7 . 7/3/2011
Very funny!
librarycat9 chapter 3 . 4/6/2010
she's so cute :D
librarycat9 chapter 2 . 4/6/2010
aw poor Hinata...
librarycat9 chapter 1 . 4/6/2010
giggle good save poor sasuke was about to be attacked by rabid fan girls...
ClockRepair chapter 7 . 4/1/2010
I liked the alternate ending just a bit more then the actual one. I liked the part where you described Sasuke's reaction to Hinata's voice. Didn't think he would be so jumpy :P
ClockRepair chapter 5 . 4/1/2010
I really enjoyed the story. It was so funny in the begining when everyone was giving their report on the opposite sex. I knew Sasuke didn't talk much but I was expecting more then just, "Girls are annoying." And Hinata stumbling over her words trying to say sex! You totally caught her personality.

It was nice to see some of the SasuNaru rivalry, especially when it was over Hinata (even if Naruto wasn't so aware of it). Weird how Naruto assumed that Ssuke had a gay crush on him, if only he knew the truth :P I think my favourite parts of your entire story was Sasuke trying to cheer Hinata up by making odd facial expressions and when Iruka realized Sasuke's crush on Hinata. Great job!
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