Reviews for Where Angels Sleep
Iuvsbruce chapter 2 . 3/7/2018
lillelouis chapter 2 . 5/30/2013
Nice! ending. Very nice.
sami1010220 chapter 2 . 11/17/2012
Great job!
Halcyon Impulsion chapter 2 . 12/29/2011
Awesome. Favorite parts:

Dean existed in gray, though he saw the world in black and white.

To prevent his father from becoming a ghost wasn't the only reason they'd burned his bones. His reluctance to visit his mother's grave wasn't because he had no need of it.

No, it had all been because it hurt too much. Death was too permanent, too final, too unknown. It was the one thing he couldn't fight, the thing he couldn't change.

Thanks :)
Halcyon Impulsion chapter 1 . 11/22/2011
Well that's awful. On to the next chapter and hoping it gets better for poor, extremely limp, Sam.
twinchaosblade chapter 2 . 11/10/2008
Wow, this was such a mind-blowing story! I swear the intubation scene was all kinds of beyond a.w.e.s.o.m.e. One of the best descriptions I've read in like forever. LOVED it.

I really, really, REALLY loved your appraoch to the brotherly relationship between the brothers as well as their individual characterizations. You clearly succeeded in putting several completely different storylines together and making a wonderful, coherent and gorgeously whumpy, well-written fic out of it.

Having Sammy be all tired and a bit cranky while Dean almost blows a gasket over being bored to death made for a great reading experience. Just like the fact that they still maintained that brotherly snark and teasing. You simply gotta love the boys for that.

And I definitely liked the part of Brammer's story, with him helping suicidal people around him to die. Whereas Dean immediately refused to think about the circumstances that maybe drove a desperate soul to such measures, Sam on the other hand could relate with their headspace. In my opinion, for a person as introspective and compassionate as Sam, it's no surprise to learn he at the least understands how people could be driven to those acts of despair.

Yet, with the experiences Dean made while taking vigil at his brother's side, I'm very pleased with Dean finally getting why the manner of one's death didn't matter when you looked at the result for the person itself, which was always the same: They were dead, with their bodies rotting in the ground.

Excellently written piece of fanfiction, thank you for writing this gem!
fearlessgoddess2 chapter 2 . 11/3/2008
Totally great! Loved it!
Nicola Silvera chapter 2 . 3/25/2007
hehe good story. Dea is so cute when it comes to his brother. I love it.
LoveJeter chapter 2 . 1/31/2007
This was really good. I got to the end and I think I finally remembered to breathe! LOL I was wondering if you were gonna get graphic in the explanations and yes its gross but it sometimes it has to be written to get the point across. I'm just glad that Sam was ok. If he had died I probably would have too since I didn't breathe til the end! HAHA
Sunrize chapter 2 . 1/29/2007
I just realized I forgot to send feedback for the end of this tale. My bad!

I really enjoyed the wrap up. Poor Sam. I'll bet Dean wishes he could drive back and shoot the kid at that burger joint. :) I loved Dean's thoughts about how Sam couldn't go out this way. How ironic it would be, after all they've faced, to die from a tiny bacteria.

And with what we've seen in Playthings, it makes sense that Sam would want Dean to finish the job. Poor guy. He's a little driven these days.

Great job on this, Faye. And I haven't forgotten I owe you an email about our fic. I'll be in touch soon.
LorGilFan chapter 1 . 1/28/2007
That was interesting. What is wrong with poor sammy? Very different, can't wait to see where it goes. Oh this is the one I put in the fan fiction newsletter.
Ibelieveinsam chapter 2 . 1/27/2007
I really loved the conclusion to this. I actually had to read it twice in a row. The scene with Sam struggling on the gurney with Dean looking on was heartbreaking. I felt so bad for both of them. I loved how you gave us Sammy intubation from Sam’s POV. Usually when I read a fic where Sam gets hurt, it’s mainly Dean’s POV and how he’s feeling about the situation. This was different and I think it made the story even more effective and real.

So Sam had E Coli which is the worst form of food poisoning I think there is. Poor Dean feeling at fault too because he’s the one who bought Sam the burger. I loved this line: Sam was his. Their father gave control of Sam's life to him years ago.

I always felt that the day John put little Sam in Dean’s arms, that an unbreakable bond was formed. I liked how Dean was the only one who was able to calm Sam once he woke up too.

The ending made me cry. Dean’s musings on life and death were so sad yet true. Death is still death no matter how the person dies and the pain and grief you feel is still the same. Life is precious.

This was so beautiful:

Because life was precious, and Dean didn't care if it sounded cliched, it was everything. As long as he was breathing, he always had the chance to make something better.

As long as Sam was breathing, there was a chance to save Sam from all the darkness closing in on him.

And Dean would fight forever for that. No matter what.

Thank-you for such a wonderful story. I don’t think it was gross at all. I think if anyone was squicked, the heartfelt feeling the conclusion leaves you with should overshadow it. :)
Nana56 chapter 2 . 1/26/2007
very, very good! i loved it!
Colby's girl chapter 2 . 1/25/2007
You hit another one out of the park!

Great icky story with graphic details of icky stuff,LOL

Thanks for the read.
dragninja chapter 2 . 1/25/2007
great! excellent story! i loved the wording. lol, good thing sam turned out oK. this was really good.

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