Reviews for Fledgling
Estel Baggins chapter 1 . 2/17/2008
Wow! This is really GOOD! I forgot I was reading a fan fic and completely fell into the story. I only came out of it when I realized that I was loving it! (Okay, that makes no sense but it's the truth.) You should look into writing for Loose ID, Ltd., and getting paid for what you do.- Estel
White Evergreen chapter 2 . 12/23/2007
You know, this is my first dip into the Samurai Troopers/Ronin Warriors fandom in quite some time, but I gotta say, I like this fic already. Poor Touma, I know exactly how he feels. Everyone expects him to do something grand and all that jazz, and here he is stuck still trying to figure out who he is.

Love it! More please!
kuri chapter 2 . 3/6/2007
omg. finish this. now. now. now . fkjfdadfdf.

okay, ranting done.

this is actually pretty good, I'm surprised. I've read maybe a handfull of good YST fics that were shounenai/yaoi based and this is definately one of the better ones. I'm giving you incentive damnit! so finish writing!
That Buggy Girl chapter 2 . 2/8/2007
I must say, this is certainly a level above your usual writing. I really like it a lot, even though I'm not overly keen on the pairing. It's very well written.
Flutterby Ashes chapter 2 . 2/1/2007
I am in love with your writing, plain and simple.

I'm also very glad to find someone else with a Shin/Touma obsession as well. )

Your characterization of them is perfect, and I love the way that you've reflected Touma's personality into your writing style. I really do hope you continue this. ) I'll be watching you for updates!

Happy writing,


PS-Your artwork is amazing as well. )
Nix Entente chapter 2 . 1/29/2007
This definitely has started to flow faster than your normal writing. It really amazed me how much you managed to pack into this chapter without it seeming cramped.

I love the way you're touching on Touma's father. It's definitely somewhere in the angst category, but not enough to be blatant. I also like his dad's implicit trust in Shin. Not that it's hard to trust Shin, but it seemed a natural progression. I know nothing about my kid, and he's stubborn and hard to understand. So, I chat it up with his nice, friendly, honest roommate, and then I feel better about it.

The little "Chicken Teriyaki Attack" snippet was simultaneous off-putting and endearing. It was completely random, and I had to pause to make sure I hadn't missed something. But, I do that to my own friends, so it's not like I can say it was a bad addition to the piece.

Lastly, I think Shuu's helpful input on masturbation was about the best thing of this whole piece.
EagleBlaze954 chapter 1 . 12/7/2006
Cool fic, Anliya! Poor Touma having been sent to the principle's office.

This made me chuckle:

He didn't know how it happened, but he recently discovered he was obsessed with Mouri Shin. For days, he debated whether this discovery made him homosexual, bisexual, or even heterosexual. He wasn't even sure if it qualified as sexual attraction. Finally, he decided, using process of elimination, that he must be Shin-philous. In other words, none of the above.

I can see Touma doing that actually ;-). It seems like a cool fic and I can't wait for the next update. I normally don't do reviews for shounai but I was curious about this fic and (when I do read fics like this I tend to want to read something that's not a normal pairing, unless it's good characterization). )ut of any pairing I would like the Touma/Shin (though Shin/Seiji's not bad to) one.

Keep up the good work and I can't wait for the next chapter!

inulover28 chapter 1 . 11/18/2006
This looks like it could be very interesting _. And yeay for Touma/Shin! It's always Shuu/Shin and I don't like Shuu.

I like how you really seemed to keep Touma in character as well, it was a very believable first chapter. I can't wait for your next update.
Zuzanny chapter 1 . 11/18/2006
I really enjoyed this fic. Please continue. :)
Musou Misora chapter 1 . 11/16/2006
Very good start! I noticed that you seem to rely a lot on dialogue to carry your point across: it's not a bad thing, just strange to read (for me, at least).

Update soon!
Arinya chapter 1 . 11/12/2006
Yo, story is good.

Okay, talking to you at the same time is really not helping me focus, but it is well-written. Touma is so emo, but it's tolerable. :) Looking forward to more missy.

Sake Bottle Swing chapter 1 . 11/12/2006
"one of them got sent to the hospital and i got sent to the principal, which is a totally unfair trade on my part"-subtle, yet priceless. I eagerly expect more updates. danke schon!
Nix Entente chapter 1 . 11/9/2006

This chapter is so sharp, it hurts.

First off: I wanted to mention that, while at points I was discomforted by Touma speech, thoughts and actions, everyone was is great character. The pictures came to my head seamlessly.

Secondly: Thank you for the scene with Yukawa. I could, personally, really feel Touma's perspective there. I get put in that spot a lot myself. _ And the progession of questions at the end-priceless.

Third: How do you find time to write, you crazy woman? It's incredible that you can still write this caliber of material on your crazy-go-nuts schedule! My admiration for you has reached a whole new level.

-Nix, as always
emeraldteardrops chapter 1 . 11/8/2006
I liked this. You're definitely progressing with your writing, mOOsh. *gives cookie* It shows when you're writing something new that has your interest. Glad you posted this. :)

yaoifanboy chapter 1 . 11/8/2006
i love it update when u can and its hard being smart
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