Reviews for The Gift
Guest chapter 24 . 9/30/2017
aww! loved it! x3 and such a sweet ending!
i loved the gift he gave Ed :3

but how the heck did Roy get there though? he couldnt walked though knee high snow for 2 days...O_o could he? maybe Riza drove him? IDK lol

Guest chapter 16 . 9/30/2017
hmm...i assumed 'the gift' ment giving Ed the stone as a gift, now im starting to think its either:

1, letting Ed and Al live with him.
2, asking Ed to marry him.

guess i'll see :3

Guest chapter 10 . 9/30/2017
that was my fav chapter so far xD the banter was great,
and poor Al...having to pretend he didn't know them.

Guest chapter 6 . 9/30/2017
i would love to actually have that as my answering machine XD

Guest chapter 5 . 9/30/2017
cute so far x3
and what is Roy hiding? maybe a stone?

keytomyheartmyimmortal chapter 23 . 4/10/2016
the cold never bothered me anyway standing frozen in the lights of chosen...let it go let it go
Guest chapter 24 . 7/10/2015
this was wonderful thank you
Dawnmoon76 chapter 11 . 8/27/2014
I'm a little confused. I thought Scar killed Winry's parents. Did Roy kill them in the 2003 anime? Are you basing it off of that? Other than my confusion your story is good. :)
gaap237 chapter 24 . 10/7/2012
Thank you for this! It was really sweet!
estupido chapter 24 . 5/30/2012
I.. love.. this fanfic so much..


/I'm.. being a.. yeah X
MissVenusVixen chapter 24 . 3/5/2012
roy should have a matching ring! they touch them together and it like does something... idk what, but you could probably think of some thing cool...
Suezanne chapter 24 . 10/7/2011
awe that's a sweet ending
Radon65 chapter 24 . 8/14/2011
AW... Wow, well. I was REALLY happy to finally find out - I never even thought about that as what Roy was doing, making it official. The only creepy part about that is that we're talking about Wrath here... I mean, Pride, since this is Original Anime verse. The whole element metaphor was a little cheesy, but I loved the description of the colored lights in Roy's eyes and a proposal on Christmas morning in the snow...! Damn, that would be AWESOME. And I can just imagine, when everybody wakes up and they all have a wonderful Christmas together... What a nice story. I really had fun with it, and I kind of like how it had like, two parts - the family accepting Roy, and then the gift stuff later on. It was quite good. Thank you.
Radon65 chapter 23 . 8/14/2011
Aw, man - it's ending? I've been really enjoying this story, it'll be kind of sad to see it go. This was a very nice chapter - you've done a great job of Ed's emotions and turmoil, and although I was quite surprised when he knocked over the table, it seemed like with what was going on in his head, it made some sense. I liked Winry and Al trying to help him out, and breakfast and everything. Al at the end - he DOES know SOMETHING. I'm so curious! We finally get to find out just what's going on next chapter!
Radon65 chapter 22 . 8/14/2011
Aw, I'm glad Riza is helping Roy! I suppose he's going to show up at the house, although how he's going to get there I'm not sure. Drive, I guess. I hope nobody yells at him too much. Good job of the segue into the Resembool scene, and Ed showing up looking all miserable...
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